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Suggestion End/continent stats?


I mean it would be fun to look at your stats like nemisis and stuff on somewhere other then conquest, not needed but would be a cool feature imo.


Well-Known Member
Conquest is all lined up with plugins and the battlezone, hence it being (slightly) easier to track all stats going on in it, end and nether constantly being tracked? Sounds absurd and borderline near impossible, only thing I can think of is if they looked into all the data and posted a big dump showing all kills etc, (could be wrong) but it's what it seems -1 big time, its ganks stats aren't needed lmao.


Active Member
Only end seems possible, and EVEN that seems hard to do, but if it was implemented it would be quite cool.
+1 (only if it was possible to be added without taking away too much time)


Well-Known Member
I think the main issue is what happens to existing data if this isn't currently tracked. Although it would be cool, not sure if it's too useful.


Well-Known Member
I've asked for this before and thought about it. The best course of action for something like global stats is just using what we can gather from the moment it's implemented imo.

That being said, I see no reason it needs to be world specific. Stats should just be your stats throughout Loka.


Well-Known Member
I think the main issue is what happens to existing data if this isn't currently tracked. Although it would be cool, not sure if it's too useful.


I think the main issue is what happens to existing data if this isn't currently tracked. Although it would be cool, not sure if it's too useful.