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end gank come back


New Member
hi you know end gank is gone and replaced by an island called zyre, but I think the players don't like it very much and most of the people, including me, are having low fps on the island called zyre and can't fight properly, end gank should come back, it will be good for everyone, we could fight properly in end gank it was more fun fps was high, please admins take care of this post and there is no one in the zyre,end gank come back!!
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Overworld grinding areas are supposed to be yellow zone in my opinion I am aware of the fact that people are missing end ganks and it was (arguably) funnier than Zyre ganks but as i said Overworld grinding areas should stay yellow. And I believe that your genuene concern is your Fps drops. Did you try to optimise it before?
Months of work went into Zyre, trying to make it as good as possible and as fun as possible. If Zyre isn't fun, suggest how to make it more fun. As for FPS drops, use sodium or other optimization mods. Lower FPS is to be expected- the end is literally an empty dimension with a few islands, so it'll always run better, but that's not a good reason to not use Gank Isle.
-1 you ll have the same fps on both, its ab the number of players you see. Zyre is way cooler with achievements and so much stuff added to it like parties, excluding invis pps ( hi Andward how r u ), far sight ( enderchest drink invis + armor off = you kited ) to see pps, and so many others. I feel like zyre is hated just cause you guys cant really pick up 1v1s that easily anymore as you cant stay in docks and hunt randoms that come to it anymore. Zyre is much better. also I agree with dragon isle getting red tag but I would also suggest that end cities should also be red tag.
Months of work went into Zyre, trying to make it as good as possible and as fun as possible. If Zyre isn't fun, suggest how to make it more fun. As for FPS drops, use sodium or other optimization mods. Lower FPS is to be expected- the end is literally an empty dimension with a few islands, so it'll always run better, but that's not a good reason to not use Gank Isle.
imma be 100 percent honest with u my camel, you couldve just done the armour to entrance zyre but in end
and by that logic the ris should be yellow tag
thats different..... ur not required to do ur ris but stuff that u require to even pvp should all be yellow tag such as end... also me personally i prefer zyre because its not the same old shit different day