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Implemented Endermen Conquest Point


Grinding ender pearls takes a long time when you do not have double drops. Today, I spend an hour with another person grinding pearls and only got a shulker of pearls.
Please can we add a conquest redemption like 24 hour double drops for ender pearls so it can be more sufficient for people don’t have double drops.


Well-Known Member
I think there have been talks about an endermen shrine in the end but that's really far off, so for the time being I think a lot of people have been saying to just buff their drops. I think making double drops a purchasable buff might also be a good idea for conquest points or something as well.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Conquest points are designed not to scale like that and have a finite gain so small towns are able to gain equally to larger ones. There is a change to drops coming very soon so hopefully, that will solve the issue. We could still look into adding a pearl-based conquest point buff too, but it would have to be capped similarly to the RI diamonds one.


Conquest points are designed not to scale like that and have a finite gain so small towns are able to gain equally to larger ones. There is a change to drops coming very soon so hopefully, that will solve the issue. We could still look into adding a pearl-based conquest point buff too, but it would have to be capped similarly to the RI diamonds one.
Yeah if a Conquest Point like the RI Diamonds one, it could be like an increased drop rate for ender pearls for a certain amount of time, so not too extreme but still helping the issue