Active Member
I decided to make this forums post in order to share some ideas that I had which I think would be cool to see on Loka. If you disagree or dislike any of the suggestions I give please object to them. I am only giving suggestions which I think would benefit the server, but I don’t have much knowledge of the direction in which the server is heading or is intended to go, so if any of these go against that make sure to let me know.
I believe that one of the most prevalent problems on Loka is that there is not much incentive to do anything outside of conquest, and even conquest seems to lack meaning. The only reason to participate in conquest is because it is fun, and to be able to say that you won the month. There is no real benefit that you gain from winning the month, except some policies that make the next month of conquest easier. You are just playing conquest so you can play more conquest. There is not really another factor for this to work in unison with, even the oppressive policies are more an annoyance to others than it is actually giving you any sort of real advantage. The aim of these suggestions will be to more strongly tie the economy to conquest, giving players more of a reason to participate in order to influence other actions on the server, although some could also work as stand alone suggestions.
When people are not playing conquest, the majority of people will spend their time ganking. Back when I played more actively, some of the most fun that I had on the server was participating in wilds ganks. They didn’t happen that often, and ganking wasn’t even close to as big as it is now where they are happening 24/7. It has now transitioned to just going to a designated location to have fun stabbing others, and it happens so much now that it seems to have lost a lot of what made it special. Kills don’t matter as much, deaths don’t matter as much, and even the gear you collect or lose is worth almost nothing. The first suggestion will be aimed towards addressing this problem, and adding more of a reason to gank other than mindless fun.
1. Gear = shards (price floor for sets)
A basic summary of this suggestion would be to make it so that gear can be sold at spawn for a set number of shards, and by doing this it gives people more of a monetary incentive to go ganking and do other things on the server (this will play into other suggestions later as well and make more sense). Although, in order for this to actually work and not completely break the server, other things have to be taken into consideration. All gear cannot be allowed to be sold for shards, as this would destroy the economy. This suggestion more focuses on differentiating between actual gear that you would wear anywhere on the server, and gear which you would wear to a conquest fight (normal gear as it is now would be worn for conquest). This would work by making it so that this gear, or a tag for existing gear, could be purchased at spawn for a set number of shards. This gear, or tag which could be applied to gear, would allow it to be worn on the server, or maybe for its enchantments to function outside of conquest. This gear could then be sold back to spawn for a price that is less than which it was bought for. While this could work simply as a price floor for gear, it can also be set up in a way to become another effective shard dump for the server, as you would have to purchase this gear or tag for gear.
In order to accomplish this, the gear would have to be made so that it could not be worn again after someone died with it. It could also be made so that it could only be repaired a certain number of times, but I thought that seemed dumb. Any other way (I think) leads to the gear just being recirculated and sold for a price in between the sell and buy price (kind of same thing if buy and sell price are same). In summary: separate sets from conquest, gear or tag for gear only acquired through spawn for shards, can be sold back to spawn for less, no recirculation. This incentivizes and rewards ganking, while also making it so that your kills and deaths are meaningful; you are actually losing something when you die. This also paves the way for new content, as with more shard dumps you can add more ways to acquire loot/shards, and people trying to acquire these things will have to actually risk something of value. Edit: Maybe make it so that the sets used for conquest and Zyre are the same
2. More content on continents/reasons to go places
Working off of what I said earlier, not much happens on continents anymore. All fighting occurs on Zyre, and people never really have a reason to venture out onto continents, other than like to loot a ruin. This changed a bit with the addition of infested tiles, which I believe are really good as it gives a reason for people to actually go out and interact with continents, even if it was just to grind mats or sometimes gank whoever was there. Edit: Saw something about some type of event being added on Zyre and I also think that is really epic. I think it would be cool to follow up infested tiles with other objectives/features on continents. At first I was thinking pretty generic like, Koth or Airdrop or something along those lines, but then I thought that having a dungeon or dungeons that spawn, that you could clear mobs out of for loot would be pretty cool. I know that it is also pretty generic for most games, but it’s about all I could think of for something somewhat creative on a continent that would actually draw players. This also gives more value to oppressive policies gained from winning cap through conquest, such as being able to use an elytra to contest something like this while everyone else has to walk (also makes room for more policies that would be useful for stuff like this). If more shard dumps are added I believe that content like this could be done without damaging the economy. Summary: random events/objectives on continents to draw players, incentive for conquest through oppressive policies, more shard dumps needed to reward loot or gear/shards.
3. Shard Dumps/The Economy
Another major problem that Loka has right now, at least that I think, is that there are so few things to actually use with the money you earn, as well the fact that there is no real need to go and grind. I could go to the RI like, once, and be set for the next month or multiple months depending on how often I play. I need shards to purchase Ais and… that is it. Maybe if I want to go and gank I will need some extra diamonds in order to make my sets, and then I can easily enchant 10 sets of p4 at the cost of basically nothing. Or I can do what the average player does, which is just ask someone in my town for everything I need to play, which is what I think is at the center of this suggestion. It is really good for a new player to be able to do this and simply enjoy the server, but beyond the mindless ganking, what reason is there for them to continue playing and experience the rest of the server. Why would they go mine the RI, they are getting everything they need from people in their town. If they did go and mine the RI, what would they even purchase with the shards they now have. The only thing I could think of is maybe saving up to purchase a lore sword. The point that I am trying to make is that you really don’t have to invest or risk anything in order to make money, and even with the shards you get from the RI there is not much to do with them. I am suggesting making certain items either more difficult to acquire, or making it so they have to be acquired through the server by purchasing them with shards(maybe by having to purchase a crafting ingredient in order to create an item), as well as implementing more server provided features on which you can spend your shards. Some examples of the first would be: Shields, webs, bows, crossbows, KB Swords, horse armor, saddles, certain enchantment books, tridents, shulker boxes maybe?(could be really good or really bad), debuff resistance and debuff arrows, elytras, totems, and netherite for upgrading tools, (basically any utility item). Either by making some of these items and materials harder to acquire, or by requiring something to be purchased at spawn in order to create them, would add something rewarding for players to work towards while playing on the server. This mechanic already exists in the form of Loka’s custom recipe book, and most recently with the implementation of the Webbed Bola, but I believe it would be good to further that idea to encompass more items, as there is an extraordinary overabundance of every material and item on Loka, and acquiring more of them currently isn’t very difficult. Also, going along with this, there would have to be a balance between the durability and use you got from the object, with how easy it is to acquire it, so there does not once again become an absurd amount of an item this concept is applied to (easier with certain items, like the Webbed Bola, as they are consumable). For the second, server provided features on which you can spend shards, some examples would be: somewhere at spawn where you can rent some extra storage spaces, (like a temporary expansion to your echest located only at spawn), temporary access to some perks such as fast travel, travel to other locations along coast of continents, maybe make it so that you can purchase an extra attack/defense(idk if this one is good or not), toll in order to travel to the end or nether, but basically anything along these lines. Implementing more things that you can spend shards on, and maybe even have to spend shards on, will give players a reason to go and grind in order to use these things. Summary: make utility items less readily available, more difficult to acquire and can be used for less time until needing replaced, more features which either you can spend shards for or are required to spend shards on.
Ok I wanted to write more but I am going to sleep now. Just wanted to share some ways I felt server could be improved/more things to do. If you don’t like these ideas make sure to -1, and if you have any more ideas expanding off of these make sure to post them. Ok thanks and maybe also maybe nerf kb
I believe that one of the most prevalent problems on Loka is that there is not much incentive to do anything outside of conquest, and even conquest seems to lack meaning. The only reason to participate in conquest is because it is fun, and to be able to say that you won the month. There is no real benefit that you gain from winning the month, except some policies that make the next month of conquest easier. You are just playing conquest so you can play more conquest. There is not really another factor for this to work in unison with, even the oppressive policies are more an annoyance to others than it is actually giving you any sort of real advantage. The aim of these suggestions will be to more strongly tie the economy to conquest, giving players more of a reason to participate in order to influence other actions on the server, although some could also work as stand alone suggestions.
When people are not playing conquest, the majority of people will spend their time ganking. Back when I played more actively, some of the most fun that I had on the server was participating in wilds ganks. They didn’t happen that often, and ganking wasn’t even close to as big as it is now where they are happening 24/7. It has now transitioned to just going to a designated location to have fun stabbing others, and it happens so much now that it seems to have lost a lot of what made it special. Kills don’t matter as much, deaths don’t matter as much, and even the gear you collect or lose is worth almost nothing. The first suggestion will be aimed towards addressing this problem, and adding more of a reason to gank other than mindless fun.
1. Gear = shards (price floor for sets)
A basic summary of this suggestion would be to make it so that gear can be sold at spawn for a set number of shards, and by doing this it gives people more of a monetary incentive to go ganking and do other things on the server (this will play into other suggestions later as well and make more sense). Although, in order for this to actually work and not completely break the server, other things have to be taken into consideration. All gear cannot be allowed to be sold for shards, as this would destroy the economy. This suggestion more focuses on differentiating between actual gear that you would wear anywhere on the server, and gear which you would wear to a conquest fight (normal gear as it is now would be worn for conquest). This would work by making it so that this gear, or a tag for existing gear, could be purchased at spawn for a set number of shards. This gear, or tag which could be applied to gear, would allow it to be worn on the server, or maybe for its enchantments to function outside of conquest. This gear could then be sold back to spawn for a price that is less than which it was bought for. While this could work simply as a price floor for gear, it can also be set up in a way to become another effective shard dump for the server, as you would have to purchase this gear or tag for gear.
In order to accomplish this, the gear would have to be made so that it could not be worn again after someone died with it. It could also be made so that it could only be repaired a certain number of times, but I thought that seemed dumb. Any other way (I think) leads to the gear just being recirculated and sold for a price in between the sell and buy price (kind of same thing if buy and sell price are same). In summary: separate sets from conquest, gear or tag for gear only acquired through spawn for shards, can be sold back to spawn for less, no recirculation. This incentivizes and rewards ganking, while also making it so that your kills and deaths are meaningful; you are actually losing something when you die. This also paves the way for new content, as with more shard dumps you can add more ways to acquire loot/shards, and people trying to acquire these things will have to actually risk something of value. Edit: Maybe make it so that the sets used for conquest and Zyre are the same
2. More content on continents/reasons to go places
Working off of what I said earlier, not much happens on continents anymore. All fighting occurs on Zyre, and people never really have a reason to venture out onto continents, other than like to loot a ruin. This changed a bit with the addition of infested tiles, which I believe are really good as it gives a reason for people to actually go out and interact with continents, even if it was just to grind mats or sometimes gank whoever was there. Edit: Saw something about some type of event being added on Zyre and I also think that is really epic. I think it would be cool to follow up infested tiles with other objectives/features on continents. At first I was thinking pretty generic like, Koth or Airdrop or something along those lines, but then I thought that having a dungeon or dungeons that spawn, that you could clear mobs out of for loot would be pretty cool. I know that it is also pretty generic for most games, but it’s about all I could think of for something somewhat creative on a continent that would actually draw players. This also gives more value to oppressive policies gained from winning cap through conquest, such as being able to use an elytra to contest something like this while everyone else has to walk (also makes room for more policies that would be useful for stuff like this). If more shard dumps are added I believe that content like this could be done without damaging the economy. Summary: random events/objectives on continents to draw players, incentive for conquest through oppressive policies, more shard dumps needed to reward loot or gear/shards.
3. Shard Dumps/The Economy
Another major problem that Loka has right now, at least that I think, is that there are so few things to actually use with the money you earn, as well the fact that there is no real need to go and grind. I could go to the RI like, once, and be set for the next month or multiple months depending on how often I play. I need shards to purchase Ais and… that is it. Maybe if I want to go and gank I will need some extra diamonds in order to make my sets, and then I can easily enchant 10 sets of p4 at the cost of basically nothing. Or I can do what the average player does, which is just ask someone in my town for everything I need to play, which is what I think is at the center of this suggestion. It is really good for a new player to be able to do this and simply enjoy the server, but beyond the mindless ganking, what reason is there for them to continue playing and experience the rest of the server. Why would they go mine the RI, they are getting everything they need from people in their town. If they did go and mine the RI, what would they even purchase with the shards they now have. The only thing I could think of is maybe saving up to purchase a lore sword. The point that I am trying to make is that you really don’t have to invest or risk anything in order to make money, and even with the shards you get from the RI there is not much to do with them. I am suggesting making certain items either more difficult to acquire, or making it so they have to be acquired through the server by purchasing them with shards(maybe by having to purchase a crafting ingredient in order to create an item), as well as implementing more server provided features on which you can spend your shards. Some examples of the first would be: Shields, webs, bows, crossbows, KB Swords, horse armor, saddles, certain enchantment books, tridents, shulker boxes maybe?(could be really good or really bad), debuff resistance and debuff arrows, elytras, totems, and netherite for upgrading tools, (basically any utility item). Either by making some of these items and materials harder to acquire, or by requiring something to be purchased at spawn in order to create them, would add something rewarding for players to work towards while playing on the server. This mechanic already exists in the form of Loka’s custom recipe book, and most recently with the implementation of the Webbed Bola, but I believe it would be good to further that idea to encompass more items, as there is an extraordinary overabundance of every material and item on Loka, and acquiring more of them currently isn’t very difficult. Also, going along with this, there would have to be a balance between the durability and use you got from the object, with how easy it is to acquire it, so there does not once again become an absurd amount of an item this concept is applied to (easier with certain items, like the Webbed Bola, as they are consumable). For the second, server provided features on which you can spend shards, some examples would be: somewhere at spawn where you can rent some extra storage spaces, (like a temporary expansion to your echest located only at spawn), temporary access to some perks such as fast travel, travel to other locations along coast of continents, maybe make it so that you can purchase an extra attack/defense(idk if this one is good or not), toll in order to travel to the end or nether, but basically anything along these lines. Implementing more things that you can spend shards on, and maybe even have to spend shards on, will give players a reason to go and grind in order to use these things. Summary: make utility items less readily available, more difficult to acquire and can be used for less time until needing replaced, more features which either you can spend shards for or are required to spend shards on.
Ok I wanted to write more but I am going to sleep now. Just wanted to share some ways I felt server could be improved/more things to do. If you don’t like these ideas make sure to -1, and if you have any more ideas expanding off of these make sure to post them. Ok thanks and maybe also maybe nerf kb