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Farewells, Stamps and Nokkers out


I have decided to quit Loka (Stamp aswell, anythig in this post can be more or less applied to him aswell) and Minecraft in General, and before everyone goes nuts and starts spamming me in Discord please read everything and respect it.
Im not gonna write an entire Roman about this since theres also alot of other stuff in this, but i will share the core of it with you

Lets start with the real Life issues
On my note i've finally gotten a job, and in order to get out of this horrible financial situation I've gotten myself into this last year i wanna fully dedicate myself to that.
Trust me if it was otherwise i would love nothing more to stay and play all day with you all, you have truly given me a gaming experience i could never wish for, and if i had the chance i would do it all over again.
Even with my shitty timezone, wich is 6 hours ahead of the server making it the same old cancer fest to participate in Conquest, which has gotten to the point where i dont function at all due to the fact i gotta stay awake till' 3-6am to fight.
That was all fine and dandy when i was in school bc i could sleep through class all day but it simply wont do the trick anymore.
Also in a couple weeks I will begin to move out of this man-cave i currently live in and start a fresh, hopefully not sittin on my fat ass playing Minecraft like a beta all day. (Not that there is anything wrong with that)

Now to the Loka Issues
Another thing is that i've been gotten to the point where everything is getting repetitive, trust me you will get this when you are on the north side of 1000 hours clocked in, i dont find the motivation i used too a couple months back.
Dont get me Wrong Cryppers and Grandpa Maggers are doing an outstanding Job of trying to keep Loka Fresh with updates, but its not the same thing as when i joined a Year Ago.
We gotten our town to the Rank of Capital, we probely own more Wealth than the rest of Loka combined (Hopefully xD), and we built, in our opinion the best looking town on Loka.
The hardest part about all this is probe leaving everyone of my great friends, and enemies behind. But i fell like Arvik has gone to the point where there is capable players to take good care of it when im gone.

We will still log on once in a while to say Hello once in a While, and maybe fight in the Tgen fights we can

Dont write any gay lore about me now you know i dont dig that stuff.


Nokia dude, I hope to still communicate to you on Discord and all of that jazz. You have been an amazing guy to talk to and work alongside with throughout the months I've been playing on this server. However, even though the war still continues on and people are getting fucked, we have to worry about you and your problems first. I hope you can get out of that financial pit man, and I hope your future is still lively as ever, since one has to carve out their future somehow. .-. We'll make sure to fight the good fight and keep Arvik as lively as ever, and you bet that I will make sure our town stands strong for a long time (or stays strong until Crypt decides to get Preksak to kill our world or something). Although we'll have to set shit straight with government and all that (and you know school is a priority for me).
But safe travels, mate. Make sure to get all of the bitches, noks.


New Member
Well, damn. I haven't known you guys for long, but the time I have has been one of the best times I've had in quite some time. I hate to see you go, but at the same time, I completely wish you luck in everything you do. As Bork said, I hope we can all remain in touch. :) Good luck


Well-Known Member
Dude! You just got Sentry! How could you do this? ;-;

In all seriousness, I'm really sorry to see you go. You've left an impact on Loka and will be remembered for it. I wish you the best of luck with your job, your life, and... everything. Thank you for teaching me how to say "Hej, jeg er sej." We'll miss ya, Nok.

Remember Loka will always be here should you ever decide to return. Farewell, my friend.


Well-Known Member
nokiaman and Stampen, you both have been great friends and very active and loyal to the server and it's community. And I understand how Loka has changed, as it always will. But I would just like everyone to acknowledge what these two players have done to change Loka and it's ongoing History. Not only have they built the best damn looking towns I've ever seen in my life, they have also made it to world capital, and the leader of many powerful Alliances. nokiaman and Stampen were some of the greatest and most dedicated members of Loka and it's community. It is truly sad to see more of my friends move on from the place I call home. But you will go onto being some of Loka's greatest legends.
I have decided to quit Loka (Stamp aswell, anythig in this post can be more or less
Dont write any gay lore about me now you know i dont dig that stuff.

No promises. ;)


Boi, I'm gonna miss you two. Leaving me alone with all of these scrubs... but I get why. It was one hell of a ride, but dude, you need to talk to me like once a week on discord or something, I want to keep in contact with you. Damn... shits happening so fast, my mom's gone for a month and now you two sorry plebs are leaving... rip, I'm gonna write gay lore shit about you btw ;) stay dank as hell bro


Staff member
Wow, its been like what, 8 months since we first started fighting you guys in New Ibbish? I was curious how many resources we've wasted in our fights so I parsed all 1200 conquest logs since August 2016 and added it all up for you two.


Consider these to be a bare minimum, since I'm pretty sure tracking potions, food, and pearls didn't come until later.

Good luck in all your future endeavors man. It's been a blast fighting you.
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Wow, its been like what, 8 months since we first started fighting you guys in New Ibbish? I was curious how many resources we've wasted in our fights so I parsed all 1200 conquest logs since August 2016 and added it all up for you two.


Consider these to be a bare minimum, since I'm pretty sure tracking potions, food, and pearls didn't come until later.

Good luck in all your future endeavors man. It's been a blast fighting you.

Jesus we are so wasteful, we should all stop fighting and bring world peace to conserve our beautiful world's resources!


New Member
Goodbye to my favorite enemy and Asmund's best memer. See ya later alligator.

P.S. Imma write lore about you just to spite you.

Oh yeah and Stampen too. Never really talked to you, but you were probably chill too.


It's unfortunate that you have to leave us, but I'm really glad for you and for the new life you're trying to start for yourself. I wish you the best of luck and I know that you'll achieve great things if you put your mind to it!

Meme out.


Nokia and Stamp - I cannot recall how many times you have dealt with my crap.. I am very saddened to see you both leaving as you two have guided my journey on Loka. I am really going to miss you both, and I hope very much that you guys always stay in touch with the Arvik discord at least. Bork will make quite a capable leader, and Arvik will rest in good, strong hands.

For four months I have only known you guys, and you have been so chill about everything - even through the worst of problems - and sheer awesomeness stopped me from freaking out all of the time. You taught me Loka, you taught me how to pvp, and I simply cannot thank you guys enough. Good luck with everything going on!

My Danish friends, may we meet in some other lifetime.. c:


Well-Known Member
@nephist They're not dead, mate!

It's sad to see such strong alliance leaders go, but when push comes to shove, life always comes first. I wish you the best in your endeavors, and I hope you'll be with us until then end, whether we win or lose this war.
Furthermore, I want to thank you both (especially Nokia, sorry Stamp :/) for making Loka such a welcoming place. In my one month+ here, I've learned a few things about friendship and betrayal, but also what it means to put trust into allies who will always stand by your side. More specifically, Nokia, thank you for your help picking me up anytime Eldritch knocked me down. Although I don't mean to start a salt war right now, it was your compassion and dedication to your alliance and it's members, old and new, that has inspired me to make sure others feel the same welcoming feeling. Thank you again, and good luck with life!



Old One
Staff member
Old One
You'll always be my favourite two Dutch guys. ;)

But in all seriousness I really appreciate all the work you have put in, both behind the scenes and on the live server. It is very rare for players to be as well rounded in all aspects of the game like you two are. There will always be a spot on Loka for you both.


Take care y'guys. It was great knowing you two, and I hope we can stay in touch via Discord or other things. Good luck!