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FfAdemenJij ban dispute

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New Member
IGN: FfADemenJij

My offenses duping/Exploit abuse

Ban date (1 year ago)
Last alt (11 months ago)

I take full responsibility for my actions, I understand what I did wrong and why I was banned from Lokamc. I think I should be excused however. I dont remember being toxic to anyone so if i was im sorry and could you maybe send me a screenshot on discord cause i have no clue when i was or to who, but if i was toxic and you got offended im truly sorry.

During my time banned i did a bad descision and i decided to ban evade i did that 4 times on 4 different occasions I don't remember the name of all the accounts but two of them were Quetann and Queztal it has been 11 months since i lasted alted and during one of these alts i said bad things about a guardian i dont really remember who it was so i cant say sorry but im apologizing to whoever they were im sorry it was dumb and im taking full responsibility for every account that i logged on while being banned, and also for harrasing the staff while being banned.

Continuing with the theme of toxicity. My last appeal was not accepted because many people -1d my appeal for toxicity. I would firstly like to note, that 2 of the people who -1d me are notorious for -1ing basically every appeal there is for toxicity, despite being quite toxic themselves. I also don't remember being toxic to any of those people who -1d me, in fact I don't remember interacting with them at all except maybe fighting them a couple times on mcpvp. If those same people -1 my appeal again I think it's saying more about them than me, especially since I haven't even seem some of those people since my last appeal.

And as always I'd like to apologize to all the players I've offended or upset, as well as the loka staff whose time I have wasted. I am also open to discuss with anyone who thinks I am not deserving of an unban and hopefully we'll be able to come to an agreement.

I havent played loka for a year now and i would really like to play it again with my friends so all im asking for is one more chance it was a long time ago please forgive me.


Active Member
-1 You have not reformed at all. In your appeal, you claim to have reformed and stayed away from loka, but this is far from the truth. Here is a screenshot from Eldritchplot where you called me Dutch swear words and used the n-word. You are just pretending to be reformed in order to get unbanned, but you will go straight back to your old habits right after getting unbanned. People posting a -1 on your appeal never lie. You are racist and toxic, and that will NEVER change.

(This screenshot is from mid April, but there he said more stuff than this.)

His ign was hitboxxer1337 at the time, heres proof of it.


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New Member
IGN: FfADemenJij

My offenses duping/Exploit abuse

Ban date (1 year ago)
Last alt (11 months ago)

I take full responsibility for my actions, I understand what I did wrong and why I was banned from Lokamc. I think I should be excused however. I dont remember being toxic to anyone so if i was im sorry and could you maybe send me a screenshot on discord cause i have no clue when i was or to who, but if i was toxic and you got offended im truly sorry.

During my time banned i did a bad descision and i decided to ban evade i did that 4 times on 4 different occasions I don't remember the name of all the accounts but two of them were Quetann and Queztal it has been 11 months since i lasted alted and during one of these alts i said bad things about a guardian i dont really remember who it was so i cant say sorry but im apologizing to whoever they were im sorry it was dumb and im taking full responsibility for every account that i logged on while being banned, and also for harrasing the staff while being banned.

Continuing with the theme of toxicity. My last appeal was not accepted because many people -1d my appeal for toxicity. I would firstly like to note, that 2 of the people who -1d me are notorious for -1ing basically every appeal there is for toxicity, despite being quite toxic themselves. I also don't remember being toxic to any of those people who -1d me, in fact I don't remember interacting with them at all except maybe fighting them a couple times on mcpvp. If those same people -1 my appeal again I think it's saying more about them than me, especially since I haven't even seem some of those people since my last appeal.

And as always I'd like to apologize to all the players I've offended or upset, as well as the loka staff whose time I have wasted. I am also open to discuss with anyone who thinks I am not deserving of an unban and hopefully we'll be able to come to an agreement.

I havent played loka for a year now and i would really like to play it again with my friends so all im asking for is one more chance it was a long time ago please forgive me.
+1 he is my son :) i tought him well ever since then


New Member
-1 You have not reformed at all. In your appeal, you claim to have reformed and stayed away from loka, but this is far from the truth. Here is a screenshot from Eldritchplot where you called me Dutch swear words and used the n-word. You are just pretending to be reformed in order to get unbanned, but you will go straight back to your old habits right after getting unbanned. People posting a -1 on your appeal never lie. You are racist and toxic, and that will NEVER change.

(This screenshot is from mid April, but there he said more stuff than this.)

His ign was hitboxxer1337 at the time, heres proof of it.
  1. First of all Why are you lying I changed my name from Hitboxxer1337 to dinosaurusoliver on april 3rd which would make the screenshots impossible to be in mid april.
  2. 2nd of all I was in a vc with Rhqx 882k and i didnt have a mic during that time and i talked in chat to them not to you.


Active Member
  1. First of all Why are you lying I changed my name from Hitboxxer1337 to dinosaurusoliver on april 3rd which would make the screenshots impossible to be in mid april.
My bad, I read April 12th and not April 2nd.
2nd of all I was in a vc with Rhqx 882k and i didnt have a mic during that time and i talked in chat to them not to you.
You mentioned my name after every sentence in this screenshot. You did indeed talk to your friends, but in this screenshot, you mentioned my name after every sentence, calling me slurs and other things.


  • 8576984C-5646-45D7-825D-7C9E1E92DE9A.jpeg
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New Member
My bad, I read April 12th and not April 2nd.

You mentioned my name after every sentence in this screenshot. You did indeed talk to your friends, but in this screenshot, you mentioned my name after every sentence, calling me slurs and other things.
  1. First of all as you can see in the screenshots i did indeed say your name in chat following with slurs but those werent for yours but those who i was in a vc with, so Rhqx 882k and why would i talk in another language and then switch up to english at the end.
  2. Second of all why would i slur you out if i knew you were a sentry and you plus 1 my last appeal
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