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Implement in Future Food Grinding


Active Member
There should be a more efficient way to grind specifically meats. There's not really any good ways besides industries and Garama docks which arent really all that good. There's the ascalon wheat field and you can make farms but let's be honest people don't want to base their towns food supply on bread and potatoes. There should be a tile where normal mobs are increased or some other method.


Active Member
Meat is specifically the hardest thing to grind in loka imo, so def needs an area to grind +1


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
We agree that certain foods should be more obtainable. One way we plan to address this is by bringing barns more in line with other industries which will increase their output (will still require animals and all that).

We will also look into adding food drops elsewhere, which may include infested tiles.