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Forums Mute

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Well-Known Member
Hello Citizens of Loka,

I’m making this complaint today to address a few issues and the fact that my forums account was unfairly muted. Over these past few weeks the forums has contained flame war after flame war. The admins have stressed it quite clearly to everyone that it shall not happen on the forums any longer.

Yesterday night, I believe it was, I simply posted on a simply comment on a certain Slicer application. This comment simply stressed that there was a lot of positive feedback, and negative feedback, but there was never any proof brought forward. At the end of that comment I made a joke, which it’s intent was to come off friendly and lightheartedly.

This morning I awoke to see that my forums account had been restricted to the right of replying on threads. Some of you may be asking how I was able to make this thread right now, I wasn’t restricted to making new threads. I know that I’ve contributed to these flames wars, as this was a ‘group effort’. However, the straw that broke the camel’s back was this comment.

I believe that since this simple comment had no intent to harm (was a neutral comment) pointing out that both sides should provide proper evidence, my forums account should have the restriction(s) removed. I do however, understand my contributions to these flame wars had a part to play in this mute, that if the restrictions are not removed, the restrictions should not be permanent and at some point be lifted in the near future. I constantly use the forums to make suggestions and report bugs on these forums and I feel that should not be taken away from me. Yes, I can report things on the server using/report. However, I’m still waiting on responses for three other reports I made and it’s been over around two weeks since I’ve submitted the oldest one. I also like to post bug reports on the forum so everyone has knowledge of them incase the bug could negatively affect them.

Be safe and healthy everyone,


Active Member
I say -1, need to learn how to stay quiet. People asked for your opinion, not your opinion on everyones comments, also needs to stop assuming things without the proper information. Also seeing as this was the comment you left AFTER caps were decided (http://prntscr.com/rp4e1g ) I think the admins made the right decision.


Well-Known Member
-1. Mag has warned both sides of this "flame war" to stop and he even deleted a lot of our post, you just kept pushing and going back. A slicer nomination is not to go back and write something negative every week or day. You say your piece and you move on like what Kaph did. Not to mention you're just repeating stuff people already said or mentioning things that don't even matter like "He's wolf force".


Well-Known Member
Mindblaster, recently I have gotten to know you and have had some really positive and encouraging discussions with you about the server and things going on with it; you really are a pretty nice person and I wish you the best in getting the mute removed. However the biggest pitfall I see you struggling with is the fact that you can't let simple things go. You somehow feel the need to continue to respond to not only slicer nominations but any forum post even though your point had already been made sometimes even 4-8 responses before. For your sake I advise you to just take time off of the forums and focus on playing the server. Loka is an amazing one of a kind server so start playing the game the fun way it should and stop feeling the need to police everything you see.

Best of Luck!


Old One
Staff member
Old One
To clarify you still have permissions to most of the forums, we have just removed your permissions to post in 'Applications and Ranks'. The majority of issues came up in that part of the forums. We had given out countless warnings and you have been banned from the forums in the past for similar things. The most recent warning was less than 2 weeks ago and was very clear. This was made because of the constant petty arguments happening in others' threads. We kept making it clear that there was no need to make multiple responses, and in the end, instructed you not to, to prevent more flame wars. You continued to ignore it, so we were left with no choice but to remove your permissions from 'Applications and Ranks.'


Edit: After speaking with mindblaster it appears this particular warning message did not come through on his end, so he was not aware of it. As a result the ban from the 'Applications and Ranks' forum will now be a temporary one.
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