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Frog's Submarine Stall!


Well-Known Member
Frog's Submarine Stall
Valyria's is cool and all but mine is better

At my stall, I'll be selling tickets for a brewer raffle and mystery shulkers!
Come find me in my yellow submarine on the east side, up the staircase!

One thing to note is that I will be co-hosting this tournament so I won't be in my stall the entire time.
If we decide to take a break or you need to get ahold of me, just /msg me in game the day of the tournament.

Fruit Press V5 Autobrewer Raffle
Enter for your chance to win the FIRST Fruit Press V5 Brewer!
This Brewer includes everything on the V4 Plus:
M.A.T. Protection V3
Shulk-Fill V1
One of a Kind Feature for the winner

Mystery Shulkers
Sorry J&J but this is my thing now :)
I have 15 Shulkers that I'll be selling for 12 Diamond Blocks each.
There's a limit of one per person, first come first serve.
I will start selling 30 minutes before the tournament begins.
Here are some things you could get from these Shulkers!




Well-Known Member
many lore swords... and lore armour... and more at valyrian dragon stall... visit valyria dragon stall mmmm