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Suggestion /g autopromote


Well-Known Member
Some towns work with ranks being given from a prestige system. I have reached 10,000 prestige in my town. Which means I'm supposed to be rank III, but since the owner has not seen this I am still rank II. There should be a /g autorole where depending on the number of weeks/days you have been in your town or the amount of prestige you have, to move onto the next rank. This should be optional for those, of course, but for instance something like,

/g autopromote (the rank as in zones [2, 3, 4, 5]) 2 10,000 prestige
/g autorpromote 2
(amount of days needed) 7 day

finished product would be /g autopromote 2 5 day

I think this would be easier for town systems to work, and if days are too hard then just prestige would work. I just think this should be implemented for time's sake :p


Active Member
Well some players could just cheat to get prestige (eg stealing from storage and handing it in), they could basically be farming prestige. An owner will be needed so that they can certify that all of the goods handed it were obtained appropriately before promoting you; I don’t believe having auto promote is a good idea for that reason.


Well-Known Member
Contact the town owners and ask to be promoted, if people want to turn this system on in their town they can but could lead to people abusing the system and just because someone gets this prestige in a town that decides to run itself in such a way there might be other reasons why in cases the owner doesn't want a user promoted for whatever reason


Well-Known Member
Contact the town owners and ask to be promoted, if people want to turn this system on in their town they can but could lead to people abusing the system and just because someone gets this prestige in a town that decides to run itself in such a way there might be other reasons why in cases the owner doesn't want a user promoted for whatever reason
/g autorole Blacklist [Player_Name]
/g autorole blacklist list


Well-Known Member
Last I heard, and that was a while ago so don’t hold me to this, something like this is in development as a part of jobs 2.0. Albeit not quite in the way you’re suggesting here, and not as direct as you’re thinking.

Basically it’s Sku’s idea in this thread: http://lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/zone-ownership-jobs.3618/post-29610

Assuming that it would work similarly to how thing do now, you would set up a travel job that is set to complete where you accept the job (or any other type of job you can make), add a certain prestige requisite (say 10,000), tie it to /g promote, make it a job with a max of 1 completion and there you go, you have an auto promote system.

Now don’t expect it to function exactly like I said here, it will probably be at least a bit different, but I would venture to guess a set up that accomplishes this idea will be possible.

As for inactive town owners and potential cheese? Those are concerns that you would have to be aware of. Although the inactivity from the owners is something each individual would feel differently about. But I don’t think these are reason enough to prevent owners who want to use this option from having it.