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No Plans to Implement /g find Database


Well-Known Member
Something I would like to see added is a Database that shows all the towns that have existed and exist on Loka throughout the ages. This database would act just like the current /find command, but instead of people, it's for towns.

The information would include:
  • Every player that was in that town at some point.
  • How long the town stayed 'alive' (Period from creation date to fall date).
  • What continent the town was on.
  • The tile the town was on.
  • Who the owners were.
I know that it's almost impossible to recover every previous town's information so, as a given, it wouldn't include towns previous of said implementation. This idea would enrich lore creators and many more of Loka's righteous, bountiful past.
The information would include:
  • Every player that was in that town at some point.
  • How long the town stayed 'alive' (Period from creation date to fall date).
  • What continent the town was on.
  • The tile the town was on.
  • Who the owners were.

I mean its a nice concept but may have some more in-depth technicalities than meets the eye. However in my opinion, this is what lore and history is for even for the lokan wiki fandom page. Instead of staff having to make this mechanic, they have already provided players with avenues to kind of do that job for them. For example;
  1. The Wiki is used for many uses, one of which being information on towns. Even if that is current or past towns. Not saying that every town is on there, but its an open resource for the community to put history behind towns and its open to anyone.
  2. https://loka.fandom.com/wiki/Elrohir#Elrohir
I see this as an unlikely command to be added, however, I could be wrong and everyone could absolutely love the idea. I just don't see the reason to add this when resources are already in the hands of the current player base to do this sort of thing already.
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I mean its a nice concept but may have some more in-depth technicalities than meets the eye. However in my opinion, this is what lore and history is for even for the lokan wiki fandom page. Instead of staff having to make this mechanic, they have already provided players with avenues to kind of do that job for them. For example;
  1. The Wiki is used for many uses, one of which being information on towns. Even if that is current or past towns. Not saying that every town is on there, but its an open resource for the community to put history behind towns and its open to anyone.
  2. https://loka.fandom.com/wiki/Elrohir#Elrohir
I see this as an unlikely command to be added, however, I could be wrong and everyone could absolutely love the idea. I just don't see the reason to add this when resources are already in the hands of the current player base to do this sort of thing already.
Thank you for mentioning the wiki page. On the ‘Towns’ page, it clearly states that it could very likely be out of date. Looking at it I realized a bunch of towns were missing from the list, Spectros being one of them. Automating this feature into the server would allow for a way more precise and accurate database. I see where you’re coming from when you bring up the wiki and I’m not discrediting the work of the wiki but at the end of the day I, and many I others I would presume would want a way more accurate database. You do come up with a good point otherwise.
I just don't see the reason to add this when resources are already in the hands of the current player base to do this sort of thing already.

Yeah, players can create databases that are inaccurate and often lacking consistentcy. If there was an automated database in place that would take note of these things it would be reliable and probably wouldn't take up a lot of resources server side; a lot of mechanics are already in place to make this work.

A reason I can see that some may be against this is that as part of the server aesthetic some things are meant to be lost to time and retain mystery.
Regrettably, most of these bits of data are indeed lost to time. We publish almost all of the information we have for players/towns in /find. What's left are things only meant for minor admin duties, and the rest doesn't actually exist. To pull that information would be beyond a lot of work, otherwise we'd already probably have something akin to a History Of Towns feature somewhere.

Indeed the Wiki would be a great place to preserve history of old towns. At least lost/dead towns' information wouldn't be subject to change as often as live towns would be.

Be neat though!
Like I stated, what is known for sure about the older towns, what’s been documented on the wiki, can be manually entered. As of current and future towns, will be automatically inputted starting from implementation.

On the comment Koi made, in a way it would remain lost and mysterious. This only shows the existence of the town, how long it reigned, and who was in it. It really just a guide to visit old towns and try to discover it’s past. The stories, the origins, and the memories are not, and will forever be lost in time. They will remain mysterious and lost forever because the only ones who know the true and most accurate history behind the town are it’s members, which can not pass on the emotions and how they felt. Emotion isn’t something that you can pass to others in the digital world, it can only be imagined by those who want to know the whole backstory. Main point is that ni matter what no one can fully understand an old town and therefore its secrets and mysterious essence will always remain.