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No Plans to Implement Get rid of Invisibility during Conquest


Well-Known Member
It gets annoying when people just drink invis and steal shulkers when there is no risk for them for the most part as they can walk up to a shulker, nab it, then pearl away. I suggest that either invisibility as a whole gets removed from conquest.


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
I think invis is fine and there are measures you can take to make it less likely your shulker gets swiped


Well-Known Member
idk I wouldn't +1 it as its a feature and a dumb thing to remove personally, however a lot of people turn off particles due to poor fps in conquest anyways making it just that bit difficult, but it is what it is


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
+1 I lose at least a shulker a fight due to this. Saying “just look around” isn’t a valid argument because the people that are invis will pearl on you after you place the shulker.


Well-Known Member
It isn't game breaking or ridiculously difficult to counter when repotting as a group. I just don't think it's necessary to remove it.


Active Member
Just pearl into a tree or go in water depending on the tile , just by doing this I rarely get my shulkers stolen by Invis people.