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Well-Known Member
The world we inherit is a fickle one. Lives change forever in an instance, history made under the flap of a butterfly's wing. We live, hovering above the constant threat of change. All it takes is the flip of a switch to change the course of destiny. No warning, no way to steer clear. We survive not by resisting this change but by following the current and rolling with the punches.

Despite all this uncertainty one thing remains constant. Opportunities abound, even if they seem odd or foreign to what we once believed. Where we think we are headed is not always where we end up. They say the only path is forward, but they fail to mention that no path is straight. It can twist and turn, even double back on itself. No matter what though, we must take a hold of the opportunities presented to us and let them lead us onward.

For some, this will lead to great things in Loka. Power, prestige, honor. These individuals will go down in the history books of Loka as those that created, changed, and forged destiny. For a long time I placed myself among these people. A lofty goal that I could be the one to craft a new future. Many like myself have this goal, to seize opportunities in Loka. This life in Loka is not for everyone though. Recently I have realized that what I once thought is not the future I will have.

I am a ghost. I guess, in a sense, we all are though. Beings pulled between different lives in different realms. Sometimes we have the ability to chose where we drift to. Decide which lives we wish to lead. Other times, however, there is little decision and the pull of one life is too strong. Just so, my life in Loka has been cut off. The occasional whisper of a name and the midnight visits are all that remain of me here. A new life has called out to me and although I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, I will pursue it into the darkness. Farewell my friends. Look for me at the midnight hour and perhaps we can exchange stories of the times we've had and the lives we've lead.


Well-Known Member
In all serious though, I'm just fine! Life has just changed a bunch more than I expected it to in the past few months and as a result I barely have enough free time to play. I still log in occasionally but in general I won't be able to take nearly as big a role as I was hoping to. hopefully, if time permits I can return to playing again more regularly. This is still the best community I've ever found on a Minecraft server and I'm disappointed I got to play for only a brief time.


Well-Known Member
I hope to see you again and get to know you better, Ajaxan. Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
1.9 is out and starting next Monday (not tomorrow) I'll have a bunch of time to play. Time to break in the new update.