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Suggestion Give Guardians Permissions to Replace Inhibitor Pads at dead town tiles


Well-Known Member
Recently I have noticed that many dead towns simply do not have their inhibitors replaced for months. (I am not overexaggerating) I feel that guardians should be given permissions to replace inhib pads so that this isn't an issue as it can be annoying if you are trying to place on it to take it for a neutral for biome control. Make guardians do more work please thanks.
(Valador died at the end of april 4 months ago still no inhib pad)


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
It was the only one who didnt regenerate out of all of them


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We have been a little behind with replacing them of late, but not anywhere near the timescale you mention for north 74 (Valador) for the rest of them. It's possible that one got skipped over by chance every time we did a wave of replacements. We are, however, in the process of terraforming all the inhibitor locations on the clean world, which will speed the process up and allow us to replace inhibitor pads almost instantly.