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golden apples


Well-Known Member
yo what it do big chungus in the builidng

we need to bring back golden apples because potions dont work bro like on god
we used to have pvpers like sku and bat going 32-0 now they die and get no kills i think golden apples need to readded so we can chug like fr my tummy is looking for sum yummy

also ghast spawns are zooted like idk if someone put a decimal point in the spawn rates but its real bad


New Member
I was thinking about making a post, not exactly like this one, but with the topic of golden apples. I think they should be re-added. Personally, I wasn't a player on this server at the time when they were in use - but as squid stated players were able to stay alive longer, do better in conquest in general - thus giving them a greater fighting experience?.

A lot of players who are brought to Loka, from vanilla servers, are not used to additional damage and the crit spam playstyle that it seems every Lokan has learnt on here - and this often scares them away from the server as they die way quicker than they are used to. So re-adding golden apples may help more new players thrive on Loka.

Another fix to this problem could be adding a plugin which stops the 1.9 potion system being so dingus and more like the 1.7 versions where you can obtain the full effect without splashing on you're head. However I'm not certain of the sustainability of this potential fix as I don't really know how plugins/servers work. However I do know from another server that this can be done.


Staff member
If you're going to suggest that golden apples be brought back then you should probably touch upon why they were removed in the first place. What it basically came down to is that due to how expensive golden apples are new players weren't able to afford them which gave veteran groups an unfair advantage. As far as I can tell this hasn't changed at all.

I don't know about other groups, but our side's golden apples count is measured in double chests. A new group of players trying to compete against a side that can just chug gapples all day would be pretty disheartening.


New Member
I don't know about other groups, but our side's golden apples count is measured in double chests. A new group of players trying to compete against a side that can just chug gapples all day would be pretty disheartening.

Gold is easily obtainable at Garama RI.
Maybe there could be a cool down implemented such as the ones on certain HCF servers?


Well-Known Member
Gold is easily obtainable at Garama RI, but apples were hard af to get. With crapples any nub that lives in the forest would be the champion (Like Mtndew)

And considering people can survive a whole fight just with pots, i dont see how just pressing the right click and being inmortal is a better game experience.


Well-Known Member
You could get the full effect by throwing it at your feet until 1.9, the update that messed up everything combat-related
I'm a fan of 1.9 pvp, but regardless, even those who aren't fans of it can see what Mojang was trying to accomplish with the new cooldown system. But who was like, "Yo, you know what's breaking our combat? Throwing potions on the ground."? o.o


Well-Known Member
This post has gone slightly off topic, but back to the original point: I believe it woulde deifintly would be interesting to see these items make a return to Conquest and generally Loka's PVP. Golden Apples are overpowered and yes apples themselves can be rather hard to obtain espically if they're needed in a large quantity. However building on what Icy suggested I believe a rebalance would make more sense instead of outright removal from the game.


Well-Known Member
Apples really aren't that hard to get your hands on I think the issue is that people are able to get a large amount with ease if they owned certain biomes exclusively on Ascalon