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Goodbye For Now


I know many of you will understand why I am doing this, and others will jump around for joy because of it. I, TeraMarie/TeraTheBrewer, am taking a break from the server. Too many things have been happening, most of them affecting my health, and I really can't handle it anymore. Overall the experience has been....an experience. No other words to put there honestly. I've made my friends, and made far more enemies. I'm still going to be on discord obviously, but spending more time with other servers that need me to help. Hopefully everyone has a fun time and enjoys Loka like I did. Might pop on from time to time, but not like I have been. Bye guys.


Staff member
Everybody needs a break from Loka sometimes. Like I said to you in DM, I look forward to you coming back when you're ready and hope the break helps as much as possible.

We'll leave The Artifact on for when you come back.


Best of luck to you Tera, I found that leaving the server offered significant improvement to my daily life and to my motivation as a whole. Hope to see you around again.
May the sun shine brightly on you and your destiny


Active Member
Hope you have a good time Tera! I know we had our ups and downs but I always found you a generally nice person and hope everything works out for you and I hope I can still see you from time to time! :D


Active Member
Tera. It's been fun being friends. or enemies. kinda sad to see such an active player go.
And we hope to see you back in the future. Also i found you as a nice person too. :)
PS. Sorry for raiding your shards. ;3;


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see you leave, even if we were only friends for such a short time.

Good luck on the other servers you're working on!


Active Member
I'm sad to see you go. For the year I've known you, you've have always been a kind person. I know that recently we've no longer seen eye to eye. However, this does not mean I don't wish the best for you, and I look forward to seeing you again. I would however like to apologize if I seem to have any disdain for you. I try to keep it very respectful even if we've fallen out.