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Suggestion Griefing in the Nether


Well-Known Member
I propose that we allow griefing of all kinds in the Nether, though perhaps disable TNT there so it doesn't get out of hand.

Currently the typical griefing rules apply which mean only the most valuable resources can be stolen. I've noticed a number of enchanting stations complete with bookshelves lying around in the Nether and I am only allowed to steal the enchanting table. Unfortunately at this point the bookshelves are actually more valuable and I would like to be able to steal them. Considering the nature of the Nether and how often it resets I don't think people should have the safety to leave resources lying around anyways.


I agree completely. If there is something in the nether that we wont we should be able to take it because it will just regen after 2 hours anyways.


Active Member
Maybe players shouldn't be able to place items there. Wasn't the nether island intended as a place for resource acquisition?


Active Member
Ya, I just realized that as I was mining nether brick. I was underground, and made holes in the ceiling occasionally--I placed blocks to fill in the holes, hoping to go unnoticed.

Still, I didn't know that they thought of the nether island as a place to build and as a grinder. But maybe it's fine this way, with all the risk that going to the nether island entails.


Staff member
In fact the Nether just got a little screwy. It's meant to act like a territory in that any placed or broken blocks will revert after some time, meaning there is virtually no good reason to place blocks of importance there as they will be removed after a period of time.