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Implemented Grinding Needs Major Buffs


Well-Known Member
Hello my fellow Lokans,
Grinding is terrible currently. Grinding is risky and the current rate of drops are abysmal. There is so much risk while grinding and for what? 7-10 blaze rods a shrine without double drops, with double drops maybe 10-15. In these recent 100 person fights a town will go through 6,000+ pots. That is 8,000+ pot mats per fight not including fuel for the brewer. That is on top of 350+ AI's and 1000+ Pearls. For a triple place you would go through over 18,000+ pots in one day or over 22,500 pot mats. The previous update on grinding was a step in the right direction. However these drop rates haven't changed in years and players have gotten better meaning they use more pots and don't die as fast. This has not been accounted for and much like inflation in currency, the value of mats have changed. After discussing with other towns we are at the point where we can't just fight for fun anymore. We grind but at the end of the day our grinding cannot sustain these fights as nobody has enough time to grind that much.

Possible solutions...
  1. Change the base drop rate.
  2. Make it so brewing stands do not need to be fueled. Doing this like the Arcanum with Lapis makes a lot of sense as then you are grinding blaze rods for strength and not fuel.
  3. Make a 1:1 drop rate of mobs killed to materials received.
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+1 got 9 blaze rods from 1 shrine.. feels like this system discourages the "weekend warriors" from playing this server and instead benefit's the players with all the time in the world on their hands. A healthy mix of both would be nice!
+1 I think grinding is super difficult for no reason. having to supply towns with 20+ people warping from your town is close to impossible. introducing an easier and better way to grind up mats such as "Make a 1:1 drop rate of mobs killed to materials received." would solve the problem of grinding without double drops
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In my opinion, I think only endermen, ghasts, and 1 player shrines should be buffed. Its super difficult to get pearls without double drops and even with double drops it can take a while to get a lot of pearls. 5 stacks of pearls in 35 minutes btw. Ghasts barley drop anything espically without looting, and 1 player shrines are just god awful. An argument could be just log on more people lol. However, its super difficult to get 6 people willing to grind at the same time in your town. If you get alliance members to grind with you your drops will have to be split so you don't even get a lot. pls buff fanks.
I think the whole root of this issue starts at double mob drops. The buff is old, clearly has a lot of problems, and screws basically the entire economy over. The problem is that when you get used to it it's very hard to come back and deal with normal drops. For me personally I have not had the buff in almost a year, and I literally do not care anymore because I don't even remember what drops were like, but for people who lose it, it's a complete mess. It's also a mess for those of us who don't have it as potion materials and funding large armies are only even easier for large alliances. I think it's either time to make it a rivina buff, or to remove it entirely.

As for potion material amounts, I think they could use a little bit of a buff. Getting 7 or 8 blaze rods per shrine is a bit low. I think it would make sense for it to be more round at a nice even 10 per shrine, so about 40 per run as opposed to 32 or so. I don't think raising it a ton is a good idea, but stepping up until the sweet spot is achieved would be a good option.
As for potion material amounts, I think they could use a little bit of a buff. Getting 7 or 8 blaze rods per shrine is a bit low. I think it would make sense for it to be more round at a nice even 10 per shrine, so about 40 per run as opposed to 32 or so.
16 a shrine so you get a clean 64. tenor.gif
I find it funny how Blaze rods are one of the harder materials to get, yet every single potion uses them, whether for fuel or an ingredient. Gold is almost never used for selling yet people have stockpiles of it, despite it being the indicator ingredient for health.

Another thing I've noticed that loka lacks from other games, namely survival titles, is the ability for differing levels of risk and reward. Take rust for example. If you want a load of components, you can visit a monument. Because it has the highest amount, you get significantly more people going to it, inherently increasing its risk. If you prefer to get consistent and low levels of components, you can gather them on a road, or outside a monument. There are much more of these sources, making it much less risky, but less fruitful in the end. For most things loka, its either one direction too risky or way too safe. As mario said before,
Are extremely hard to get large amounts of. They spawn over the entire end, making it so you can go anywhere and pretty much be safe to go afk on an outer island. There are no shrines for pearls, no designated spots for them to spawn, or anything, making it significantly less rewarding than most people need.

As for blazes, you either go to dreadfort, a single point, or you follow a designated route and make stops for 5 minutes at a time. There are no naturally spawning blazes anymore, making most nether farming extremely risky for not a whole lot of payout. Sure, 3 stacks of rods is a lot for a town of 6, but when you have 30-40 actives, you can't even supply fuel for a few days with that.

As for mining, having resource islands slightly differing in their rates, making one the best option, but not the only option makes it almost perfectly safe to visit a kalros ri compared to garama. This is pretty much a perfect example of how grinding should be across the server. Instanced to allow growth, multiple options of varying rewards, and easily learned by new players.
I definitely agree with Froggy here. I don't think Kalros should be better than Garama, but instead we should just make more areas of the RI with differing amounts of items or different islands of the RIs entirely. Loka has some serious missed opportunity in these areas and could definitely use for something like that.
I find it funny how Blaze rods are one of the harder materials to get, yet every single potion uses them, whether for fuel or an ingredient. Gold is almost never used for selling yet people have stockpiles of it, despite it being the indicator ingredient for health.

Another thing I've noticed that loka lacks from other games, namely survival titles, is the ability for differing levels of risk and reward. Take rust for example. If you want a load of components, you can visit a monument. Because it has the highest amount, you get significantly more people going to it, inherently increasing its risk. If you prefer to get consistent and low levels of components, you can gather them on a road, or outside a monument. There are much more of these sources, making it much less risky, but less fruitful in the end. For most things loka, its either one direction too risky or way too safe. As mario said before,

Are extremely hard to get large amounts of. They spawn over the entire end, making it so you can go anywhere and pretty much be safe to go afk on an outer island. There are no shrines for pearls, no designated spots for them to spawn, or anything, making it significantly less rewarding than most people need.

As for blazes, you either go to dreadfort, a single point, or you follow a designated route and make stops for 5 minutes at a time. There are no naturally spawning blazes anymore, making most nether farming extremely risky for not a whole lot of payout. Sure, 3 stacks of rods is a lot for a town of 6, but when you have 30-40 actives, you can't even supply fuel for a few days with that.

As for mining, having resource islands slightly differing in their rates, making one the best option, but not the only option makes it almost perfectly safe to visit a kalros ri compared to garama. This is pretty much a perfect example of how grinding should be across the server. Instanced to allow growth, multiple options of varying rewards, and easily learned by new players.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I feel like the first step to improving grinding is releasing droprates from shrine mobs to get rid of over- and underestimations that come just from hearsay. If the rates aren't supposed to be public info maybe it could be exclusively discussed with lcrs and pve devs but without concrete numbers there's no real way to suggest viable changes.

also glistering melons as zombie pigmen drops pls
Remove Shrines. Just bring back old Grinding because at this point we spend more time grinding then fighting. The issue is Shrines because they suck.
I think a major problem here is also the fact that shrines are the only way to get this stuff, and on top of that it is literally the only thing to do on Loka besides PVP or build. There just needs to be more to do, which is all planned and in the works, but it's just difficult to push this stuff out in a timely manor. Once it is out though, less and less time will be spent at shrines thus making is even more justifiable to buff them.
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I think a major problem here is also the fact that shrines are the only way to get this stuff, and on top of that it is literally the only thing to do on Loka besides PVP or build. There just needs to be more to do, which is all planned and in the works, but it's just difficult to push this stuff out in a timely manor. Once it is out though, less and less time will be spent at shrines thus making is even more justifiable to buff them on top of them needing it now.
Dreadfort is actually an alternative that isnt that garbage
Dreadfort is actually an alternative that isnt that garbage
But compared to shrines the pot + ai usage in dreadfort is more then shrines, plus the time. I don't know if it's better then shrines now either, but it wasn't before.

Like I said remove shrines = problem solved. We don't need loot bundles, we need pot materials. Why shrines we're even added idk bc they're dog
Why shrines we're even added idk bc they're dog
Again they were added to help with getting pot mats but the issue is that they're not designed for people to be grinding with only a few people which is just non good. They need to work for the grinders primarily and there's just not enough grinders for what shrines were designed for, so I'm thinking we up the rates a bit until the sweet spot is achieved
I would also like to point out that these fights would not have been able to happen without covid. Since people are at home much more than usual that leaves time for people to grind like no tomorrow. When life is back to normal these fights simply will not be able to occur at the size that they are right now and I think the staff team needs to consider that as we resume our usual daily lives.