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Groups of people in lore- help me plz


Well-Known Member
In the irl, groups of people exist. There's the French and the English and the Dutch and the Russian and the Japanese and the Spanish and the I could go on forever. In Lokan lore, I can think of a few groups. Two of the ones that come to mind most easily are Computernite and the Outlaws. Here's what I want:

I want groups of people and things about that group! I want traditional Computernite food and Asgardian values and preferred sword style of the Outlaws/Alliance (is there another word for this that can end with -ian or -ese or -er? Doesn't really matter, I'd just like that.)

Now what is considered a group? Preferably, a group of people who have been in control of multiple towns for a long time and have something unique about them. I.E. The Computernites began in the third age and continued through the sixth, they're built the cities Century and Capital and Central and Citadel and Cerulean. The Outlaws have been around, what, since forever, and ran... Like... I don't even know how many towns. I'd probably count Asgardian as a group, if a small one, that contains Asgard and Midgard, simply because it's unlike any other town really.

But going on from that, knowing this would help me to create some awesome lore! If you know anything or have any idea please reply here.