Age: Fifteen
Current rank: Sentry
Which rank you are applying for: Guardian
What you think is expected of this rank: All the responsibilities of a Sentry but more dedicated, as performing Sentry duties are much easier with the teleport commands.
Why you think you should become this rank: I seldom play anymore because of school, but when I do get on I do my job to the best of my ability. I can clean up at least when I can actually get on. I know what I am doing but I am more able-bodied when I have the abilities that a Guardian has. I am also neutral to all server conflicts and generally peaceful because I feel that I have done all that I can PVP-wise.
When you started playing on the server: January 2012
Time zone in relation to GMT: -6
How often do you play (hours a day/week): About six hours a week because I play on the weekends.
Current rank: Sentry
Which rank you are applying for: Guardian
What you think is expected of this rank: All the responsibilities of a Sentry but more dedicated, as performing Sentry duties are much easier with the teleport commands.
Why you think you should become this rank: I seldom play anymore because of school, but when I do get on I do my job to the best of my ability. I can clean up at least when I can actually get on. I know what I am doing but I am more able-bodied when I have the abilities that a Guardian has. I am also neutral to all server conflicts and generally peaceful because I feel that I have done all that I can PVP-wise.
When you started playing on the server: January 2012
Time zone in relation to GMT: -6
How often do you play (hours a day/week): About six hours a week because I play on the weekends.