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Gudbrandr Applying for Guardian

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Age: Fifteen

Current rank: Sentry

Which rank you are applying for: Guardian

What you think is expected of this rank: All the responsibilities of a Sentry but more dedicated, as performing Sentry duties are much easier with the teleport commands.

Why you think you should become this rank: I seldom play anymore because of school, but when I do get on I do my job to the best of my ability. I can clean up at least when I can actually get on. I know what I am doing but I am more able-bodied when I have the abilities that a Guardian has. I am also neutral to all server conflicts and generally peaceful because I feel that I have done all that I can PVP-wise.

When you started playing on the server: January 2012

Time zone in relation to GMT: -6

How often do you play (hours a day/week): About six hours a week because I play on the weekends.


Active Member
I don't believe you are active enough to have earned a promotion to this rank.

I don't have confidence in your ability to remain neutral or exercize good judgement with regard to bullying or abuse.



Well school has kept me busy; I'm most active on weekends. I typically don't get home until 5 o'clock. I then eat dinner, and then homework takes anywhere from a half hour to an hour because I have it every night. Perfect Grades > Your Respect


Well, the only issue is, and you've said it yourself: you only play on weekends. Admins have a habit of playing more on weekends, so we honestly don't need more coverage there. That being said, we have a much higher amount of griefers and spammers playing on the server during the weekend. So... *shrugs*


Well, then he has admin power AND he can PvP. That logic applies to Zor too. He might have more admin power but then he can't PvP, and honestly, do you really want that?


The thing is I don't have time to PVP. I have fun getting on occasionally to smash griefers and hackers in the face with an easy banhammer. I have no desire to PVP unless it is roleplay related.


If you don't have time to PvP then I'm going to be honest, you probably don't have time to be teleporting around helping folks or hunting x-rayers, as a Sentry you can do essentially everything you'll have to time to do as a Guardian.


KenuDragonfire said:
If you don't have time to PvP then I'm going to be honest, you probably don't have time to be teleporting around helping folks or hunting x-rayers, as a Sentry you can do essentially everything you'll have to time to do as a Guardian.
With Guardian abilities, I save precious time that I'd be using to walk to these people for proof. As a Guardian I'd simply teleport to the person of interest and logblock the area to look for suspicious tunnels (those flash like a beacon) and force a quick confession. As a Sentry, I recall a few occasions where I had to run to investigate, something that takes a significant amount of time if the person in question is not within 500 blocks of the initial wilderness. Basically, I don't so much want to play Loka; just make it a pleasant place for other people.


Active Member
Gudbrandr said:
I recall a few occasions where I had to run to investigate

I think there's more to being a Guardian than just being a more time efficient Sentry. The powers you already have are sufficient for what you say you want to do, and there isn't any reason based on merit for you to rank up right now either.


Artagan said:
Gudbrandr said:
I recall a few occasions where I had to run to investigate

I think there's more to being a Guardian than just being a more time efficient Sentry. The powers you already have are sufficient for what you say you want to do, and there isn't any reason based on merit for you to rank up right now either.
Based on merit? What is this, a military? How do you know what I've done, when half of the admin things I do are quiet? I'd understand if you had access to admin chat but really Artagan?


Well-Known Member
Gudbrandr said:
Based on merit?
Yeah, pretty much, and your whole thread is full of contradictions... pointed out by Nouvellune of all people (No offence Nouvy <3)


Well-Known Member
Blatantly combat logged against Defgnww then threatened to quit and never come back if I kept you jailed...


Well-Known Member
That and I've barely seen him on in the past weeks/months so the claim of 6 hours a day is unlikely, not impossible, just unlikely
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