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Hacking is Not Tolerated


Old One
Staff member
Old One
For those who are unaware, the player Nationalistic has been permanently banned from Loka after it was discovered he was using a hack client. We've been investigating this for about a week now after receiving multiple reports about Nationalistic's behaviour in Proving Grounds. During this week we've been compiling evidence which we will present to you all now for transparency.

On October 14th the admin team received videos showing Nationalistic with suspicious levels of reach. After viewing them we agreed they looked fishy, but lacked any amount of hard evidence to pursue it further.

On October 19th we were sent a video from the player Unallowed's perspective, showing Nationalistic aggro pearling onto an invisible and unmoving Unallowed. You can watch the video yourself here.

Particles in Minecraft render up to 32 blocks away, which is shown in this series of images. Admins went to the video's location in game and reenacted what happened.

Because particles in Minecraft have a render limit of 32 blocks, it was impossible for Nationalistic to be able to see Unallowed's particles. A hack client, however, would easily allow someone to see an invisible player far outside their particle render range. Here is what that would look like. Now with hard, data-backed evidence of potential cheating we felt pursuing the matter further was warranted.

Today, October 20th, during the Balak fight bat3415 warped to the fight invisible and immediately removed his armour. He proceeded to scale a cliff far away from the fighting and sat there recording. Nationalistic took notice of him and stared directly at bat who was far outside Nationalistic's particle render range. Even though Nationalistic clearly knew bat was there, he did not pursue him which we can only assume was because even he knew that would be too blatant. You can watch this video from bat's perspective here. Towards the end of the fight Skuhoo also went fully invisible and sat on a cliff far away from the fighting. A solid 2 minutes later Nationalistic walked straight up to him and attacked, but unfortunately nobody who was watching was recording.

Feeling we had far more than a sufficient amount of evidence to screenshare, we proceeded to freeze Nationalistic immediately after the fight ended. After being told explicitly not to log out he disconnected from the server for a few seconds before returning, claiming he was disconnected. This isn't surprising and we fully believe Nationalistic here. A ghost client is a type of hack client that works by injecting code into a running instance of Minecraft so as to leave no trace. Virtually all ghost clients also come with a feature known as "self-destruct" where the client's code is removed from the running instance. Due to its nature these often cause players, particularly those with mediocre PCs, to disconnect from servers since the game essentially freezes for a few seconds, causing packets to not be sent to the server.

Ignoring this setback, we proceeded with the screenshare and found a file called "hwid.exe" in Nationalistic's downloads folder. This is a program that generates a unique ID based on your computer's hardware. Nationalistic claimed that this file is remnants of when he used to use the client-side anticheat known as "CheatBreaker". CheatBreaker does require you to enter your hardware ID, but the file was downloaded 2 days ago and last run today. It also happens to be the exact program distributed by the ghost client known as "Vape" for authentication purposes. On a side note, Vape also requires the user to be running Forge, which Nationalistic was indeed using. What's interesting, though, is that he was also using Forge with Optifine as his only mod.

The hwid file, supplemented by him disconnecting and the video evidence, is proof that Nationalistic was indeed using Vape and as a result, has been permanently banned from Loka. Hacking detracts from everyone's experience and will absolutely not be tolerated. We advise everyone to self-police and continue reporting suspicious behaviour.


Active Member
What's interesting, though, is that he was also using Forge with Optifine as his only mod.
I too use forge with optifine as my only mod. Although I agree with the ban, I don't feel this should be a reason for bans in the future, as myself and several others do the same thing.


Staff member
I too use forge with optifine as my only mod. Although I agree with the ban, I don't feel this should be a reason for bans in the future, as myself and several others do the same thing.

You're right, but him using Forge with only Optifine wasn't used as a reason for his ban, it was just another piece of evidence that lines up with what client he was using.


I obviously fell off the server as I play other games mainly now. The few things I'd like to bring up as I find hard evidence lacking,

First, from Ox's video you can see particles from both sides and both players, you can see this here - https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png - From Ox's POV he saw Flea's particles behind him so obviously Flea could see Ox's. Not to mention the fact Ox's clip coincidentally is short, the video starts with only 10 seconds of prior footage leaving out any indication of what was going on before, or the fact that literally anyone could have seen and called out where he went, or if Flea himself saw Ox run that way. If this was randomly in the wilderness I'd say it's sus, but the fact it's literally in a conquest fight and the clip is cut down to the portion where Ox dies is just silly.

Flea disconnecting was shown to Sku, you guys said you believe him but I just wanna share this for transparency - https://i.thick.at/02f114c4.png - This was sent to Sku from Flea.

> Virtually all ghost clients also come with a feature known as "self-destruct" where the client's code is removed from the running instance. Due to its nature these often cause players, particularly those with mediocre PCs, to disconnect from servers since the game essentially freezes for a few seconds, causing packets to not be sent to the server.

A big issue here is minecraft by default has a 30000ms (30 seconds) timer of no packets being received from a client before it times you out, when you Self Destruct with a ghost client your MC freezing wouldn't cause you to disconnect, it would crash you or cause a slight hiccup but you would remain in game. Saying this is proof is just silly as it's not even factually accurate. Flea disconnected due to his connection to Loka, nothing more, nothing less.

I am fairly sure almost everyone uses Forge, it's useful in a handful of ways and claiming it's evidence is kind of silly. I could link you a myriad of clients that inject that can be on vanilla minecraft. I'm sure anyone that knows how to use google could do the same. Not to mention that most people use Forge to bind Sprint and Walk Forwards to W so they don't have to break their pinky finger holding shift/control.

One of the biggest issues here is the hwid.exe. I wanna first dispel the stupidest thing about all of this, if you download the hwid.exe file from Vape's website, you get a digital signature on it that literally says Manthe Industries LLC, CheatBreaker's hwid.exe did not have a digital signature. Presumably this is because Manthe being one of the main Developers for CheatBreaker used pre-existing resources he already had from prior work to speed up the process of CB, such as giving out the unsigned version of his hwid.exe for CB users through CB's website. Unfortunately Flea has since deleted a lot of things from his PC as he plays other servers and doesn't want to be banned over a stupid file. What is also shocking about all of this is those ScreenSharing Flea failed to do a simple click on the file and check if he was cheating.

The most important part about all of this, luckily I asked Flea for a screenshot of the file before hand when I was writing all of this, sadly he no longer has it but the screenshots he gave me of it help shed some light on this. The pictures https://i.thick.at/0303e09c.png and https://i.thick.at/8aa86a86.png this is Flea's hwid.exe from CB, whilst it isn't in english there is a 6th tab that is lacking, if you look at the hwid.exe from Vape's website you will notice that 6th tab is here, https://i.thick.at/58219b99.png I downloaded this from their website literally as I am typing this, and before someone asks why I have an account, I have accounts for most popular cheats to be able to get PH2 Methods to SS accurately, as I do so daily. Anyone who screenshares should do their due diligence and do the same.

Lastly the fact you didn't use Process Hacker 2 to even check if he was on the client you're accusing him of is just plain wrong. It's not hard to check this and could have been done in under 5 minutes, but instead you use circumstantial evidence to ban a player when you could have easily been 100% sure if he was or was not cheating. What kind of server defects from using 100% tried and true methods that leave no chance of mistake for circumstantial evidence? This is the hardest part of all of this to swallow, instead of just going off of undeniable proof, you chose not to.

I gotta go now so I can't type more but I'll be back later. This covers the majority of the problems I see here. Ignore typos/grammar errors, thanks.

Edit- Also just as a quick clarification the biggest part to be pulled from this, is that this is a scary precedent to be made. Banning off of circumstantial evidence instead of using definitive proof is a scary thing to do and when I first came to Loka I tried to help with this issue.
Last edited:


I obviously fell off the server as I play other games mainly now. The few things I'd like to bring up as I find hard evidence lacking,

First, from Ox's video you can see particles from both sides and both players, you can see this here - https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png - From Ox's POV he saw Flea's particles behind him so obviously Flea could see Ox's. Not to mention the fact Ox's clip coincidentally is short, the video starts with only 10 seconds of prior footage leaving out any indication of what was going on before, or the fact that literally anyone could have seen and called out where he went, or if Flea himself saw Ox run that way. If this was randomly in the wilderness I'd say it's sus, but the fact it's literally in a conquest fight and the clip is cut down to the portion where Ox dies is just silly.

Firstly, footage of my POV before Flea came in was sent to Admins and Staff.
Secondly, as seen here https://gyazo.com/c071db9eadcaad2b1782a6f8f0a81511 I can not see the particles rendered in by Flea.
https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png You also attempted to make a point off of this exact point of which the particles came into render distance for me. That was after he was over the hill and the pearl was thrown. It is possible for him to move 4 blocks in the amount of time it takes for Flea to pearl (Roughly 1 second) to come into the instance of which you are referring to. Assuming he has speed 2, even without speed you move at a speed of roughly 4.6 blocks per second. Also the fact that he has speed increases that margin which makes it possible for me to see the particles after that picture you sent.


Well-Known Member
I obviously fell off the server as I play other games mainly now. The few things I'd like to bring up as I find hard evidence lacking,

First, from Ox's video you can see particles from both sides and both players, you can see this here - https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png - From Ox's POV he saw Flea's particles behind him so obviously Flea could see Ox's. Not to mention the fact Ox's clip coincidentally is short, the video starts with only 10 seconds of prior footage leaving out any indication of what was going on before, or the fact that literally anyone could have seen and called out where he went, or if Flea himself saw Ox run that way. If this was randomly in the wilderness I'd say it's sus, but the fact it's literally in a conquest fight and the clip is cut down to the portion where Ox dies is just silly.

Flea disconnecting was shown to Sku, you guys said you believe him but I just wanna share this for transparency - https://i.thick.at/02f114c4.png - This was sent to Sku from Flea.

> Virtually all ghost clients also come with a feature known as "self-destruct" where the client's code is removed from the running instance. Due to its nature these often cause players, particularly those with mediocre PCs, to disconnect from servers since the game essentially freezes for a few seconds, causing packets to not be sent to the server.

A big issue here is minecraft by default has a 30000ms (30 seconds) timer of no packets being received from a client before it times you out, when you Self Destruct with a ghost client your MC freezing wouldn't cause you to disconnect, it would crash you or cause a slight hiccup but you would remain in game. Saying this is proof is just silly as it's not even factually accurate. Flea disconnected due to his connection to Loka, nothing more, nothing less.

I am fairly sure almost everyone uses Forge, it's useful in a handful of ways and claiming it's evidence is kind of silly. I could link you a myriad of clients that inject that can be on vanilla minecraft. I'm sure anyone that knows how to use google could do the same. Not to mention that most people use Forge to bind Sprint and Walk Forwards to W so they don't have to break their pinky finger holding shift/control.

One of the biggest issues here is the hwid.exe. I wanna first dispel the stupidest thing about all of this, if you download the hwid.exe file from Vape's website, you get a digital signature on it that literally says Manthe Industries LLC, CheatBreaker's hwid.exe did not have a digital signature. Presumably this is because Manthe being one of the main Developers for CheatBreaker used pre-existing resources he already had from prior work to speed up the process of CB, such as giving out the unsigned version of his hwid.exe for CB users through CB's website. Unfortunately Flea has since deleted a lot of things from his PC as he plays other servers and doesn't want to be banned over a stupid file. What is also shocking about all of this is those ScreenSharing Flea failed to do a simple click on the file and check if he was cheating.

The most important part about all of this, luckily I asked Flea for a screenshot of the file before hand when I was writing all of this, sadly he no longer has it but the screenshots he gave me of it help shed some light on this. The pictures https://i.thick.at/0303e09c.png and https://i.thick.at/8aa86a86.png this is Flea's hwid.exe from CB, whilst it isn't in english there is a 6th tab that is lacking, if you look at the hwid.exe from Vape's website you will notice that 6th tab is here, https://i.thick.at/58219b99.png I downloaded this from their website literally as I am typing this, and before someone asks why I have an account, I have accounts for most popular cheats to be able to get PH2 Methods to SS accurately, as I do so daily. Anyone who screenshares should do their due diligence and do the same.

Lastly the fact you didn't use Process Hacker 2 to even check if he was on the client you're accusing him of is just plain wrong. It's not hard to check this and could have been done in under 5 minutes, but instead you use circumstantial evidence to ban a player when you could have easily been 100% sure if he was or was not cheating. What kind of server defects from using 100% tried and true methods that leave no chance of mistake for circumstantial evidence? This is the hardest part of all of this to swallow, instead of just going off of undeniable proof, you chose not to.

I gotta go now so I can't type more but I'll be back later. This covers the majority of the problems I see here. Ignore typos/grammar errors, thanks.

Edit- Also just as a quick clarification the biggest part to be pulled from this, is that this is a scary precedent to be made. Banning off of circumstantial evidence instead of using definitive proof is a scary thing to do and when I first came to Loka I tried to help with this issue.
can we give this man a freaking medal


Firstly, footage of my POV before Flea came in was sent to Admins and Staff.
Secondly, as seen here https://gyazo.com/c071db9eadcaad2b1782a6f8f0a81511 I can not see the particles rendered in by Flea.
https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png You also attempted to make a point off of this exact point of which the particles came into render distance for me. That was after he was over the hill and the pearl was thrown. It is possible for him to move 4 blocks in the amount of time it takes for Flea to pearl (Roughly 1 second) to come into the instance of which you are referring to. Assuming he has speed 2, even without speed you move at a speed of roughly 4.6 blocks per second. Also the fact that he has speed increases that margin which makes it possible for me to see the particles after that picture you sent.
The biggest issue with anything you say is you cut your clip to 30 seconds, and you only were showing 10 seconds prior to being found, that's less than the CD of the pearl timer so there is way too many things that could have happened prior to your short clip. It's strange how you shortened the clip to the point where it makes Flea look sus but you fail to show the events leading up to what happened.


Staff member
I obviously fell off the server as I play other games mainly now. The few things I'd like to bring up as I find hard evidence lacking,

First, from Ox's video you can see particles from both sides and both players, you can see this here - https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png - From Ox's POV he saw Flea's particles behind him so obviously Flea could see Ox's. Not to mention the fact Ox's clip coincidentally is short, the video starts with only 10 seconds of prior footage leaving out any indication of what was going on before, or the fact that literally anyone could have seen and called out where he went, or if Flea himself saw Ox run that way. If this was randomly in the wilderness I'd say it's sus, but the fact it's literally in a conquest fight and the clip is cut down to the portion where Ox dies is just silly.

We try to be as transparent as possible with our decisions and fully support players calling us out on potential wrong decisions. That being said, I fully stand by our decision to ban Flea.

Your screenshot does show Nationalistic's particles being rendered, but they're being rendered far closer than where Nationalistic was when he threw the enderpearl onto Unallowed. This video I took earlier today simulates this scenario. I am standing where Nationalistic was when he threw his pearl and move forward slowly until particles start being rendered. Unallowed's particles were not in range of being rendered when Nationalistic threw his pearl. To address your concerns about the length of the clip, here's a more complete clip of it. Excuse the background noise as it's been left unedited. As you can see, no player was actively chasing Unallowed and Nationalistic was nowhere in sight.

Additionally, I'd be curious what you think of bat's video, where bat was twice the particle render limit (64 blocks) away from Nationalistic when Nationalistic fired an arrow at him.
For reference, bat was at [2354, 147, 1993] and Nationalistic was at [2387, 99, 1965].

Flea disconnecting was shown to Sku, you guys said you believe him but I just wanna share this for transparency - https://i.thick.at/02f114c4.png - This was sent to Sku from Flea.

A big issue here is minecraft by default has a 30000ms (30 seconds) timer of no packets being received from a client before it times you out, when you Self Destruct with a ghost client your MC freezing wouldn't cause you to disconnect, it would crash you or cause a slight hiccup but you would remain in game. Saying this is proof is just silly as it's not even factually accurate. Flea disconnected due to his connection to Loka, nothing more, nothing less.

Loka purchased Vape awhile back for testing purposes and I can confirm that self-destructing can and does disconnect you with that exact message. If you really want to push this we can put together a video showing it happening.

I am fairly sure almost everyone uses Forge, it's useful in a handful of ways and claiming it's evidence is kind of silly. I could link you a myriad of clients that inject that can be on vanilla minecraft. I'm sure anyone that knows how to use google could do the same. Not to mention that most people use Forge to bind Sprint and Walk Forwards to W so they don't have to break their pinky finger holding shift/control.

You're absolutely correct. Him using Forge without mods wasn't what got him banned and nobody should feel like they're risking a ban by doing it. Very similar to him disconnecting shortly after being frozen, Forge without mods is simply another piece of the picture that lines up with Nationalistic using Vape.

One of the biggest issues here is the hwid.exe. I wanna first dispel the stupidest thing about all of this, if you download the hwid.exe file from Vape's website, you get a digital signature on it that literally says Manthe Industries LLC, CheatBreaker's hwid.exe did not have a digital signature. Presumably this is because Manthe being one of the main Developers for CheatBreaker used pre-existing resources he already had from prior work to speed up the process of CB, such as giving out the unsigned version of his hwid.exe for CB users through CB's website. Unfortunately Flea has since deleted a lot of things from his PC as he plays other servers and doesn't want to be banned over a stupid file. What is also shocking about all of this is those ScreenSharing Flea failed to do a simple click on the file and check if he was cheating.

The most important part about all of this, luckily I asked Flea for a screenshot of the file before hand when I was writing all of this, sadly he no longer has it but the screenshots he gave me of it help shed some light on this. The pictures https://i.thick.at/0303e09c.png and https://i.thick.at/8aa86a86.png this is Flea's hwid.exe from CB, whilst it isn't in english there is a 6th tab that is lacking, if you look at the hwid.exe from Vape's website you will notice that 6th tab is here, https://i.thick.at/58219b99.png I downloaded this from their website literally as I am typing this, and before someone asks why I have an account, I have accounts for most popular cheats to be able to get PH2 Methods to SS accurately, as I do so daily. Anyone who screenshares should do their due diligence and do the same.

This is where you might rethink defending Nationalistic. You're correct that the hwid.exe filed from Vape's website has a digital signature, but Flea's hwid.exe file did have a digital signature. You see, we recorded the entire screenshare and this screenshot of that recording clearly shows a completely different hwid.exe with a digital signature and completely different creation, modified, and accessed dates. Furthermore, the size of the file is exactly the same as Vape's hwid file, down to the byte (2,355,368 bytes).

By the way, "firme digitali" is "digital signatures" in Italian if you weren't aware.

Lastly the fact you didn't use Process Hacker 2 to even check if he was on the client you're accusing him of is just plain wrong. It's not hard to check this and could have been done in under 5 minutes, but instead you use circumstantial evidence to ban a player when you could have easily been 100% sure if he was or was not cheating. What kind of server defects from using 100% tried and true methods that leave no chance of mistake for circumstantial evidence? This is the hardest part of all of this to swallow, instead of just going off of undeniable proof, you chose not to.

I'm well aware of process hacker's ability to search memory strings for evidence of Vape, but these strings are mostly kept private and quickly patched when made public. If you have access to unpatched strings then absolutely feel free to shoot me a PM with them. Until then it's not exactly fair to criticize us for not using information that we do not currently possess.

List of all links mentioned since this forum's CSS makes it kind of hard to see already viewed links:


We try to be as transparent as possible with our decisions and fully support players calling us out on potential wrong decisions. That being said, I fully stand by our decision to ban Flea.

Your screenshot does show Nationalistic's particles being rendered, but they're being rendered far closer than where Nationalistic was when he threw the enderpearl onto Unallowed. This video I took earlier today simulates this scenario. I am standing where Nationalistic was when he threw his pearl and move forward slowly until particles start being rendered. Unallowed's particles were not in range of being rendered when Nationalistic threw his pearl. To address your concerns about the length of the clip, here's a more complete clip of it. Excuse the background noise as it's been left unedited. As you can see, no player was actively chasing Unallowed and Nationalistic was nowhere in sight.

Additionally, I'd be curious what you think of bat's video, where bat was twice the particle render limit (64 blocks) away from Nationalistic when Nationalistic fired an arrow at him.
For reference, bat was at [2354, 147, 1993] and Nationalistic was at [2387, 99, 1965].

Loka purchased Vape awhile back for testing purposes and I can confirm that self-destructing can and does disconnect you with that exact message. If you really want to push this we can put together a video showing it happening.

You're absolutely correct. Him using Forge without mods wasn't what got him banned and nobody should feel like they're risking a ban by doing it. Very similar to him disconnecting shortly after being frozen, Forge without mods is simply another piece of the picture that lines up with Nationalistic using Vape.

This is where you might rethink defending Nationalistic. You're correct that the hwid.exe filed from Vape's website has a digital signature, but Flea's hwid.exe file did have a digital signature. You see, we recorded the entire screenshare and this screenshot of that recording clearly shows a completely different hwid.exe with a digital signature and completely different creation, modified, and accessed dates. Furthermore, the size of the file is exactly the same as Vape's hwid file, down to the byte (2,355,368 bytes).

By the way, "firme digitali" is "digital signatures" in Italian if you weren't aware.

I'm well aware of process hacker's ability to search memory strings for evidence of Vape, but these strings are mostly kept private and quickly patched when made public. If you have access to unpatched strings then absolutely feel free to shoot me a PM with them. Until then you it's not exactly fair to criticize us for not using information that we do not currently possess.

List of all links mentioned since this forum's CSS makes it kind of hard to see already viewed links:

After seeing Bat's video I am not gonna bother looking further, something was up, rip the boy. Thanks for responding.

Also as per the strings, unless they're on Vape V3/V2 you can't use the javaw strings to find it (I think that's what you are referring to), you need to use PH2 to check windows logs, cached memory locations, etc to show launched .jar's/.exe's and the sort, lite can't be found through strings due to how it was made and how it hooks into mc.


Well-Known Member
I obviously fell off the server as I play other games mainly now. The few things I'd like to bring up as I find hard evidence lacking,

First, from Ox's video you can see particles from both sides and both players, you can see this here - https://i.thick.at/ab38e163.png - From Ox's POV he saw Flea's particles behind him so obviously Flea could see Ox's. Not to mention the fact Ox's clip coincidentally is short, the video starts with only 10 seconds of prior footage leaving out any indication of what was going on before, or the fact that literally anyone could have seen and called out where he went, or if Flea himself saw Ox run that way. If this was randomly in the wilderness I'd say it's sus, but the fact it's literally in a conquest fight and the clip is cut down to the portion where Ox dies is just silly.

Flea disconnecting was shown to Sku, you guys said you believe him but I just wanna share this for transparency - https://i.thick.at/02f114c4.png - This was sent to Sku from Flea.

> Virtually all ghost clients also come with a feature known as "self-destruct" where the client's code is removed from the running instance. Due to its nature these often cause players, particularly those with mediocre PCs, to disconnect from servers since the game essentially freezes for a few seconds, causing packets to not be sent to the server.

A big issue here is minecraft by default has a 30000ms (30 seconds) timer of no packets being received from a client before it times you out, when you Self Destruct with a ghost client your MC freezing wouldn't cause you to disconnect, it would crash you or cause a slight hiccup but you would remain in game. Saying this is proof is just silly as it's not even factually accurate. Flea disconnected due to his connection to Loka, nothing more, nothing less.

I am fairly sure almost everyone uses Forge, it's useful in a handful of ways and claiming it's evidence is kind of silly. I could link you a myriad of clients that inject that can be on vanilla minecraft. I'm sure anyone that knows how to use google could do the same. Not to mention that most people use Forge to bind Sprint and Walk Forwards to W so they don't have to break their pinky finger holding shift/control.

One of the biggest issues here is the hwid.exe. I wanna first dispel the stupidest thing about all of this, if you download the hwid.exe file from Vape's website, you get a digital signature on it that literally says Manthe Industries LLC, CheatBreaker's hwid.exe did not have a digital signature. Presumably this is because Manthe being one of the main Developers for CheatBreaker used pre-existing resources he already had from prior work to speed up the process of CB, such as giving out the unsigned version of his hwid.exe for CB users through CB's website. Unfortunately Flea has since deleted a lot of things from his PC as he plays other servers and doesn't want to be banned over a stupid file. What is also shocking about all of this is those ScreenSharing Flea failed to do a simple click on the file and check if he was cheating.

The most important part about all of this, luckily I asked Flea for a screenshot of the file before hand when I was writing all of this, sadly he no longer has it but the screenshots he gave me of it help shed some light on this. The pictures https://i.thick.at/0303e09c.png and https://i.thick.at/8aa86a86.png this is Flea's hwid.exe from CB, whilst it isn't in english there is a 6th tab that is lacking, if you look at the hwid.exe from Vape's website you will notice that 6th tab is here, https://i.thick.at/58219b99.png I downloaded this from their website literally as I am typing this, and before someone asks why I have an account, I have accounts for most popular cheats to be able to get PH2 Methods to SS accurately, as I do so daily. Anyone who screenshares should do their due diligence and do the same.

Lastly the fact you didn't use Process Hacker 2 to even check if he was on the client you're accusing him of is just plain wrong. It's not hard to check this and could have been done in under 5 minutes, but instead you use circumstantial evidence to ban a player when you could have easily been 100% sure if he was or was not cheating. What kind of server defects from using 100% tried and true methods that leave no chance of mistake for circumstantial evidence? This is the hardest part of all of this to swallow, instead of just going off of undeniable proof, you chose not to.

I gotta go now so I can't type more but I'll be back later. This covers the majority of the problems I see here. Ignore typos/grammar errors, thanks.

Edit- Also just as a quick clarification the biggest part to be pulled from this, is that this is a scary precedent to be made. Banning off of circumstantial evidence instead of using definitive proof is a scary thing to do and when I first came to Loka I tried to help with this issue.
Smh so much to read why you do this ;-; :(