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Harassment and Racism is not ok...


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I find it sad how I have to write this. To say I am disappointed would be a huge understatement.

The player Nationalistic had been temp banned for harassment and racism, which was incredibly lenient, based on his previous actions. However immediately after, he continued with the same disgusting behaviour and as a result is now permanently banned from Loka.

Please only click on this link if you are above 18 and understand it contains vile language.

Above is a small sample of some of things Nationalistic has sent to fellow members of the server. Not only does this have no place on a minecraft server, it has no place anywhere in life. It is disgusting. To anyone who thinks this is acceptable behaviour or a 'joke,' it is not.

While we as a server don't moderate in game alliance and town chat, or private discord chats, we do step in if someone feels they have been harassed or bullied. The above example is a very extreme case of this and we will not tolerate it.

I would like to warn everyone that if a player comes to us with evidence of racist comments towards them, we will take action. If you are messing around with friends, talk to them, make sure they do not feel you have gone too far. What you think is funny or a joke, others may not, so make sure you are always in open conversations about it.

To be clear we will not be moderating town/alliance/private discords. But as we have always done, if somebody feels they are being harassed or bullied we will look into it, wherever it has happened.


Active Member
Whoa. I had expected Nationalistic to learn from his temp ban and stop, so when I saw he had kept on doing it, I was shocked. Anyway, it's good to see the admins taking action for stuff like this, and to be honest, I thought it would happen earlier. Good job to the admin team for doing what had to be done and I hope Nationalistic will learn from this experience, hopefully enough to be let back on the server after some time. Anyway, I'm sorry if I start to repeat myself, but good job admins.


Well-Known Member
To be 100% honest this language got a student at my school expelled. I find it incredibly merciful to only ban him for a month, even though he had several warnings. I'm not saying that he can't change, everyone can change... except ricegum. Anyway good job Admin team +1 Mag for overseer.


Well-Known Member
Right off the bat I'm gonna make it clear, I have been allied with Nationalistic for quite some time now and I feel its important that I'm honest about that before I continue my post.

Now that I have that out of the way... I completely respect the ability of the admins to take action on issues they feel need to be addressed. I also feel that the decision by the admins here was reasonable, justified, and an overall good decision. Toxicity of the sort that some people (Nationalistic especially) can display is so amazingly disgusting that it simply can't go without consequences. All that said, this is a very slippery slope. A what point does the behavior of a player in areas unrelated or unofficially related to Loka become something for admins to judge? Is it only in discords specifically related to Loka? What if somebody is an awesome, helpful person on Loka, but toxic towards people on another server (Discord or Minecraft)? Does that relevance of that get changed any if they're toxic towards people on that server who also play on Loka? Also, this feels like it opens the door for people to take out of context images and use them to try and damage, defame, and otherwise harass other players they have a personal beef with (maybe because of conquest), by trying to get them banned.

Now also, before someone can go using this idea to call bias. What if an admin especially presents this information. Will they be treated any differently in terms of being a source for this? What if someone (Particularly an admin or someone working with them) is specifically baiting someone to be toxic, only to use that info out of context in an attempt to get them banned. I by no means am trying to question the moral fiber of the admins by all this. I simply want to get these ideas out in the open before they become an issue.

I feel these are all issues admins should be very careful about when making judgment calls like this. After all, communications not on Loka don't always look how they may appear to, and don't always reflect behavior on Loka accurately.

TL;DR I have been allied with Nationalistic. I have no objections to his ban. I'm cautious of what this kind of judgement may mean for the future.


Staff member
Right off the bat I'm gonna make it clear, I have been allied with Nationalistic for quite some time now and I feel its important that I'm honest about that before I continue my post.

Now that I have that out of the way... I completely respect the ability of the admins to take action on issues they feel need to be addressed. I also feel that the decision by the admins here was reasonable, justified, and an overall good decision. Toxicity of the sort that some people (Nationalistic especially) can display is so amazingly disgusting that it simply can't go without consequences. All that said, this is a very slippery slope. A what point does the behavior of a player in areas unrelated or unofficially related to Loka become something for admins to judge? Is it only in discords specifically related to Loka? What if somebody is an awesome, helpful person on Loka, but toxic towards people on another server (Discord or Minecraft)? Does that relevance of that get changed any if they're toxic towards people on that server who also play on Loka? Also, this feels like it opens the door for people to take out of context images and use them to try and damage, defame, and otherwise harass other players they have a personal beef with (maybe because of conquest), by trying to get them banned.

Now also, before someone can go using this idea to call bias. What if an admin especially presents this information. Will they be treated any differently in terms of being a source for this? What if someone (Particularly an admin or someone working with them) is specifically baiting someone to be toxic, only to use that info out of context in an attempt to get them banned. I by no means am trying to question the moral fiber of the admins by all this. I simply want to get these ideas out in the open before they become an issue.

I feel these are all issues admins should be very careful about when making judgment calls like this. After all, communications not on Loka don't always look how they may appear to, and don't always reflect behavior on Loka accurately.

TL;DR I have been allied with Nationalistic. I have no objections to his ban. I'm cautious of what this kind of judgement may mean for the future.

These are fair points, but the biggest clarification I would make is that it's not likely to be simply one example of behavior that's going to lead to punishment. There will generally need to be evidence of harassment, us talking to said person issuing a warning (possibly also with a short tempban), then evidence of it happening again before it leads to longer or permanent bans.

Of course we'll also have to take in account where the harassment is taking place. We can't police the world, we don't want to; but we can strive to make the Loka environment cleaner as best we can.

We're also usually very aware of who is doing the harassment and why. We know who's likely to try to use past examples of things to get people they don't like to go away. This action on Nationalistic is an action that's moving forward, and we're not going to retroactively start hunting down people just because people have dirt on each other. We know you all do. But moving forward, we wanted to make sure we set the precedent, that somebody's harassing you, and you tell them to stop, and they continue, that you can then come to us, and that's when the process of investigation will happen.

The key is that you have to say "Stop" first. You can't put up with months of somebody being toxic and then one day decide "I don't like them anymore, admins pls ban". That's not how this can work. With Nationalistic, there was a large history of this behavior that he disregarded time and time again. That's why the punishment was severe.



Well-Known Member
I dont care if it was on loka or not. hes toxic overall and he would only be tricking us by being polite.

As mag said, this attitude doesnt have a place in life. its disgusting.

these days pain and hate are seen as funny jokes.


Well-Known Member
I have known Flea since 2015, but by reading this. Flea I have no words, I'm very disappointed in you. This is not the Flea I met, a long time ago, and I hope he comes back because he seems to be lost. This is not you, but you said those words that really affected someone to report this. I hope you learned a lesson one way or another because this shameful, derogatory, racist bigotry is beyond the word foul and not the Flea I knew when you were with the Apple Crew. I hope you really find yourself again because this makes me very very sad. I'm not mad because words cannot channel what I felt when I read that. I can, however, say that I am extremely hurt and disappointed you chose this route for yourself. You can rather learn from this and be wise, or ignore it and continue with the dark route you are going down. Not only does this show you in the game but whatever you say here shows a lot about your character in the real world, and out there it will not get you far at all. Except being labeled and in-game banned from servers you have grown to play on a lot. I tolerated you a lot because I knew you were a little high strong but nevertheless, this behavior is something you undoubtfully earned upon yourself.


Active Member
Why did you capitalize the word black? Is there anything wrong with being 'black'?
There is nothing wrong with being black. If anything, I love my ethnicity. I capitalized it because he said, “You won’t get anywhere cause you’re black.” I was just putting my two cents in because i feel as if I’m being successful and doing something with my life. Instead of listening to people like that guy.