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Hearts of Iron IV: Renatus Char | A Developers Diary | Version 1.0.1 | Yuletide Armistice


Well-Known Member
I have come to a realization that this may be too large of a project to get done quickly. So here's the current plan.

Create a General Focus Tree layout for nations without a custom tree.
- Despite the fact that I want every nation to have its own unique focus tree, this is just not feasible as my attention on this is usually in cycles. So I will create a general focus tree that will focus entirely on the general basic concepts of how the mod is to work.

Custom Trees:
- The only nations that will have custom trees to begin with (if a bit lackluster in a few as I just can't deal with them all at once again) will be the Aladras, Sylvis's, Vinovia, Volterra, Sandsete, Eldritch, and Stromgarde along with smaller a smaller 'Aladran tree' for Aladras Puppets (Rivina, Balak, Zyre, Nether, and End).
- Every nation will again have a custom tree, just not something I can do all at once.

Accurate Industry
- Despite this being kind of difficult to do because of the sheer number of states, this is a must before the mod can be released.

Research Tree.
- This is a big hurdle for me as it will take a lot of effort, so any builders out there (yes builders, like in game) who want to help with the model design, @Zachary_N_Kaleno on discord please.

I want this mod released before Christmas with an infrequent amount of updates.


Well-Known Member
I love overthinking the logic on this. Like how would each individual nation view the Northern War in Kalros once it breaks.


Well-Known Member
Due to unfortunate circumstances that I do not understand myself, the mod will have to remain at 1.12.14 (aka, you'll have to downgrade your version) to play.

This will also mean it will not work with the DLC Arms against Tyranny, funnily enough it used to work at 1.13.5, but when the game updated to 1.13.6, the game refused to cooperate with the mod, and I was unable to find the solution to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Have a screenshot of some events. Due to me wanting to not die from dealing with more GFX, all pictures during release will be generic ingame photos. Also got some pre-Ascalon Scuffle stuff done for the nations that have focus trees. Also began updating Sylvis Trees once more as its kind of a train wreck. Aladra is gonna need a major revamp as well.image-91.pngimage-177.png


Well-Known Member
Heavy Work update will be posted of the Ascalonian Scuffle, including focus trees for Eldritch, Wastia, and Valyria will be posted by the end of the month. Plans for Volterra, Al Raltah, Euphoria, Loraxia, and the Generic Aladran tree will be finished hopefully as well.


Well-Known Member
Also will note, the mod will have much more content later on. IE more nation like than town like like it currently is. This will be discussed later however.


Well-Known Member
Renatus Char: Developer Diary Entry #5
Well, a lot has occurred since the last official entry, which wasn't since last year. Sheesh, I need to catch up, but where to begin? I guess let's start from the start of the game, with the menu design.

UI Change
A total overhaul mod such as this requires some design changes, while I am not going to replace every single asset before launch, the idea is to introduce a more Loka feel to the whole ordeal, mostly through the recoloring of several menus. Here are some examples, as well as future concepts.
(This next image shows what is currently in place, and what the plan is, still deciding on the layout however. Also, credit to Kaiserreich for the frame icon)

And finally in-game GUI (tbf, this has been in place for a couple years, I just haven't shown it off)

Ascalonian Scuffle 1.1
By the time this is read, four nations would have a custom focus tree on the continent of Ascalon. With two being fleshed out, and the other two kind of just existing. I'll start in order of which was put in first.

There is a simple way to imagine Eldritch, as the bulwark nation standing against communism, at the beginning of the game, they have the strongest military for the time being, as it will quickly become outdated due to advancements in technology. They will be in a constant race to catch up whilst also challenging the Wastians in the Ascalonian Scuffle. Eldritch is the faction leader of The Covenant as they currently are. They are also industrially strong, with opportunities to triple their industrial output from their focus tree alone. They're essentially going to be the industrial powerhouse of Ascalon for the early game.

Eldritch believes in a strategy of mass mobilization, whoever has the larger army will win victory at every cost. They don't have a developed Navy (currently no nation has a starting navy as I try to understand how that works), and will need to work to build it up rapidly before the outbreak of the Ascalonian Shuffle.

Eldritch is one of two nations that have a focus tree nearly dedicated to the Ascalonian Scuffle, where they, along with Wastia, will duel it out for the minds of the citizens of Ascalon. Four nations are planned to be contested by release, however, I hope to have more after the release of the mod.

Wastia, is the home of the Communist Revolution, at least in my mod Renatus Char, there's more lore behind it, but I'll save that for if you wish to experience the mod itself. With the outbreak of a Valyrian Protest, they would initiate the Ascalonian Scuffle with Eldritch whilst also developing their economy based on the Flower plans. Dandelion represents the civilian industry, Rose represents the Military industry, and Azure Bluet represents infrastructure and resource gathering.

Their focus tree isn't as fleshed out as Eldritch's, but it does have quite some content, enough for me as I go to focus on other nations.

The military focus of Wastia will be mainly on maneuvering, if you can outrun and outflank your opponent, you can easily put your opponent into a tricky situation. Along with combining the air war of Ascalon to help them win quick battles, they hope to outflank their way to victory, no real focus on the navy, but it can become incredibly strong as it goes on.

Definitely the least fleshed out of the national focus trees I've built this month, however their story is pretty much done. Within a hundred days, Valyria finds itself in a bit of a political crisis, although to be fair, most neutral nations of Ascalon do find themselves in this pinch at the start of the game. Their industry, and military are behind, and are slacking quite the amount.

The point of this is supposed to be a game, each of the focuses you see at the bottom can't be completed if a certain timed idea is/isn't in their spirit slots. Eldritch and Wastia will be in charge of putting those spirits into place, eventually, they'll mess up and Valyria will then form a new government, it has a 2/3rd chance of going Covenant, and a third going Imperium. This tree is planned to be upgraded... eventually. Most likely after I finish the other major trees of Ascalon.

Volterra is the only nation on Ascalon that is both neutral and in an alliance, doesn't make sense I know, however, the Kingdom of Volterra is in the Trident Powers and wishes to ignore Ascalonian Politics as their neighbors (Eneria and Valyria) descended into the flames of the Scuffle, and their northern neighbors (Euphoria and Western Rivendell) practically duke it out in a series of major border skirmishes.

Eventually, Volterra will suffer a major strike that will either start a civil war within the nation or lead to political fracturing, IE the nation will be forced to mentally duel the two domains of the Kingdom (Terryn Greystone vs DeathWolf). If Greystone wins this minor duel, then the course of neutrality shall stay, until they're eventually forced into the conflict. If DeathWolf wins and becomes acting Monarch, then they'll seek closer alignment with the Covenant. Currently, only the pre-socialist focuses are in place.

Also, it's important to note, that there are more focuses than the picture shows, however they're hidden until certain conditions are met. AKA if the player has completed the Sugar Strikes focus. Also, it's important to note that the current icons for "Duke Deathwolf" and "King Terryn" are temporary until I get a GFX to replace them.

The Civil War is called the Sugar Cane Rebellion, a picture will be shown in the next message.

Also, it appears I've never talked about two other focus trees I've built before the Scuffle. Sooooo....

The Trident Powers
The Trident Powers consisted of the Kingdom of Volterra, the Vinovian Republic, and the Sandsete Domain. We've already talked about the Volterrain Focus Tree, so let's talk about the other two.

Whilst far from completion, the basic layout of the focus tree has been determined, and it matters on one major factor, who wins at the battle of Dhanri Point. For if the Trident wins the war, the entire tree has to be redesigned, which is still under construction. If the Trident loses the battle, however, the Sandsetians have three main branches to note.

The first is the political side of the tree, which focuses on what I call the Church protests. Which is essentially a democratic protest turned blood red by the despot of the Domain, McDanky. The main focus on the political side of the tree is to either reform (lol) or to crack down (coolio and is what has been done so far).

The next side of the tree is the economy, as Sandsete can gain all of its territories as core states, and also the reconstruction of the library, both are mammoth tasks by themselves and require either a lot of time or a lot of industry.

The final and largest part of the tree is the military, which is designed to get to the first tank, yes, no nation starts with tanks researched, that will have to be researched during major wars. This also means no nukes, folks. Also the reconstruction of the Navy from the Battle of Point Dhanri, which is itself like 15 70-day focuses.

Vinovia is by far the strongest civilian industrial power at the start of the game, Eldritch is ahead if you count their military factories. Vinovia faces two major events, a slight military coup that nearly starts a civil war and the foundation of the Industrial Revolution (AKA like Britain in the 1750 - 1850s). Currently the tree isn't finished, however in the next message, I'll post what there is of their tree. (Only four focuses).

News Events
Four News Events have been added to the mod

- Battle of Dhanri Point
- Sylvis wins the battle, preventing the next event from occurring. However, cementing their upcoming Civil war into reality

- Trident-Sylvis War
- The Trident Powers (Volterra, Vinovia, and Sandsete) go to war with Greater Sylvis (New Lyndis, Upper Sylvis, and Lower Sylvis). This war is meant to be stalemated after a year or two, with everyone just slowly peacing out until it's just Sandsete and Lower Sylvis left at the end where they eventually peace out.

- End of the Covenant Embargo the Imperium
- Basically marks a turning point showing that perhaps the Covenant may be weaker than it first appears to be. Also helps to unify the people of the Imperium.

- Announcement of the start of the Ascalonian Scuffle
- AKA the start of the three-year-long Ascalonian Cold War, between the Grand Imperium led by Wastia, and the Covenant by Eldritch.

Order of Battles
The nations of Sandsete, Eldritch, and Volterra were given their starting Armies, military factory usages, and dockyard usages.

A lot still needs to be done before the general release of the mod, which I've learned the hard way, to not give myself a deadline, because I won't get to it anyway lol. However tremendous progress has been made on my least favorite continent. I plan to finish up Ascalon to a happy state before I then move to Kalros and begin working on their content. Kaleno out


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