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Hearts of Iron IV: Renatus Char | A Developers Diary | Version 1.0.1 | Yuletide Armistice


Well-Known Member
The most difficult part about naval order of Battles (creates the task forces and ships) surprisingly isn't making the fleet via code, but naming it lol


Well-Known Member
After reading some articles and watching some videos, I've realized a lot of the national spirits may be slightly op.

So will dumb it down unless if they're temporary buffs.


Well-Known Member
I love trying to figure out why 2 nations don't have a diplomatic map mode.

The funny thing is I probably missed something in their creation as they are both the two newest.


Well-Known Member
Renatus Char: Developer Diary #6
Hey yall, and I'm back with another developer diary on the on-goings of the mod. Not much happened other than some small fun stuff.
Upon game start-up, I've been able to implement a customizable Welcome and start-up screen that will help detail players on their nation's lore. While not every country has been implemented yet, this is a relatively easy and fun task, as it means I have to build more of the world, and how it got to the point it's at. Either way, here's the on startups. Also a credits screen.

Southern Valyria
The sick man of Garama has gotten content, and oh boy, are they sick. They start with seven national spirits that *severely* damage their economic output, which is good. As their war is meant to start in 2030, giving them five years to hold off, but I mean, it's very debilitating at the start, construction 1 research is nearly a thousand days long. However, this is to counteract their huge potential given their large population numbers. Testing is yet to ongo, but through a series of national foci and decisions, they will industrialize and do their construction. Honestly not much to talk about other than that without going too much into their lore.
Aladra Rework
To put it blank, Aladras pre-war politics was too boring, and to be frank, useless. So I gutted about 80 national foci, and 100+ events to just the basics. Which will also make it less complicated, and less likely for the players actions to be used against them. It's honestly really similar to Kaiserreichs USA pre-civil war focus tree, but you know what, I like it. So its staying. The main focus of pre-war Aladra is the Pastures Package, which is an economic package that will hopefully help the Aladran Economy. Currently the road to civil war is still undergoing development, but everything pre-war is done. IE, nothing that will directly lead to war is done.

Country Selection
Selecting countries has also undergone a small change. I did mention it previously, but now more work has been done. Specifically to the five right most nations.1714878599981.png
(Sandsete is still being worked on)1714878675715.png

Pretty much it, a short Developer Diary today. Cyall next time.


Well-Known Member
Developer Diary #7
Man oh man, another update! Wooo Wooo! A lot has been done surprisingly, and I have much I want to talk about. From major GFX updates, to gameplay and map updates.

GFX Updates
If you've been paying attention to the Loka Discord recently, you would've noticed a couple of screenshots I've posted of my mod. Mainly I've updated the title screen, country selection screen, and other small tileable features. Currently, the tiles are a WIP as I attempt to figure out where all the tiles go. So give it a second thought.

Gameplay - Ascalon
I've been working quite a bit on this continent, as it is one of the largest. With the main feature coming out of it being the Generic Focus Tree being nearly completed for this continent. Which hosts two different political paths based on whichever alliance you're in. In the Al Raltah Photo, you'll notice that there are three separate paths that diverge, which is intentional and hopefully allows some more player freedom. However, certain countries will be forced down the middle path, the only path aligned nations can't take.
That's still a partial work in progress as I've got to add the post-Scuffle reform stuff.


Another important note done to Ascalon would be the introduction of the Ascalonian Scuffle Missions in the Wastian and Eldritch decision tabs. 1716079774708.png

Gameplay - Aladra
Aladra while was being worked on in the previous update, has also gotten some more of a facelift, as now all the order of battles are done for the four main factions of their civil war. I've actually found the Civil War to be quite tricky for Dhanri's Aladra, and kind of costly in terms of lives. But that's perfect for how I want that nation to play out.

Map Update - New Nation
With help from @Reiwa1, a new faction has been built on Ascalon, the Truckian Resistance, who wishes to fight off the Wastian invaders on their land. However they won't have their own focus tree before release. They will get a couple of custom events, but other than that, not much will be added. Wastia will get military access from the rebels, but that will be gone when the Resistance rises up during the Ascalonian Shuffle.

News Events
Plenty of news events have been added that will add war support, stability, and best of all world tension that will help to bring World War closer to Char.
(Inspired by the Emu War, these two events can't happen at the same time.)

Several other nations got a few more minor perks to them, such as an update to the Volterrain and Upper Sylvis Trees. Also added order of battles for Al Raltah, added several leaders, and finally made it so it is possible to read -100% stability at max.

That's pretty much it for this diary entry, if you have any ideas for me, my discord is @Zachary_N_Kaleno, or you can just message me on this account on the forums. Both ways work. C'yall later.


Well-Known Member
Cherry Grove
I should probably address this now, as it is actually gonna be an important part of Loka going further into the future, but yes. I do plan on having Cherry Groe be added to Renatus Char. However that will require a ton more effort into changing the map files, which is annoying as is. So it will not be available at release. Most likely it'll come in when I update the Kalros Focus Trees. I've also got to see how the towns react to the new biome and then decide on how to install new nations based on that.

So yes, it will be added. But not at start.


Well-Known Member
Small update and stuff
- Adding one town, and replacing another

- Adding Terra Incognita so Kalros Content is more fun later on

- Amanita will be replaced by Coruscant at the Localization level.


Well-Known Member
The very fact is that I'm beginning to work on the end-game for my mod, which is about in 2034. It just wows me that I'm getting closer to finish than I assumed.

I'm still not close, but damn.


Well-Known Member
I have decided that every town with a generic focus tree will most likely not survive any further updates of the mod and be replaced with a more modern equivalent. This is simply due to the fact that I do not have enough town member logs to accurately portray the town.

When release comes, some towns will have incorrect leaders due to lack of information. (Valador and Euphoria come to mind). They will be replaced as updates come along.