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Help Wanted: Vinovian Marketplace


Well-Known Member

Hello everyone, I am making this forums post in search of dedicated players who would like to help contribute to the Vinovian Marketplace. (VMP)

The VMP is a Discord server where many services are held, such as coinflips, tickets for orders, and middlemanning. There are a handful of vendors who are not directly apart of the VMP, but there services can be fulfilled via our tickets. The main service in our discord is the large catalog of items you can request, which is currently only managed by SilentStormSix and Garama. I run the Lore CIT things, Foxy is an owner for his middleman services, and LobsterLarry is there to do lobster things.

The main reason for this post is to make it known that we are in need of a few players to help fulfill orders, in exchange for shards. We offer the platform, and you would take a large majority of what *you* do.

If you would like to apply, please join our Discord and make a ticket. Explain what the ticket is for and we can work from there!
