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Fixed Here are some bugs i found within the quest system


Active Member
I experimented a bit with the quest system and i found some bugs. Here they are (with screenshots if needed):

- On-complete message not working (displays as* invalide book tag *)
- Auto-complete quests requires a turn-in NPC, which shouldn't be the case
- You can see all the loka official quests in the quest editing menu (im not going to to show how, i did a report on it)
- Sometimes, for a reason i didn't find yet, quests that i create will be in the live test server. (Might be just me, but just in case)
- When you add too many objective, the objective menu stops working (you have to delete the quest to make it work again)
- You can put multiple of the exact same objective and it will be shown on the quest (makes some funky descriptions)2020-07-30_15.46.09.png

- When you add too many objectives, they start stacking up inside of the menu

- After selecting an achievement objective, the button to go back from objective menu to the quest editing menu doesn't work

There. Hope that helps


Staff member
Most of these are now fixed for the next reboot.

We'll have to think about how to handle large volumes of objectives, be that a total cap on objectives or a different way to organize them.