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History of Fel'Bthalft & Phlaalu's Story.


Active Member
History of Fel'Bthalft

Long ago a colonist named Amar would set forth from the knife into the new world deterimed to leave behind the troubles of Earth an start anew for his followers to come. Amar was thought of as a Holy leader who promised he would one day bring his people out of the shadows and into the light where they could live peacefully. Even in Loka there was no such thing as peave but once again Amar was deterimed to make good on his promise guiding his people through the world hiding in small caves boarding the entrances up at night as they slept. Amar knew he needed to find a place where the shadows of men would be far from their sight. Amar and his followers would travel many blocks to a large ocean. There they looked across the sea seeing nothing but water they decided that this was where they woul make their town. They began by building boats to travel deeper into the heat of the massive ocean. The sea's storms would rock and wave the boats many capsizing other boats would travel by picking up the ones who was part of the ships that began to sink and travel onward farther. When Amar and his followers finally stopped they stared upon a large Red Volcano that rose from the sea. The Volcano had a large portion of its southern east side blown completely out from the destructive power of nature. The ocean had came in flooded the Volcano. This, this was where Amar saw his city of peace where he would lead his followers out of the shadows of man. Amar would lead for countless years as the city grew very slowly. There the followers worked blindly to the orders of the unseen Amar who would live the rest of his time on Loka never seen by anyone. Amar would communicate through the crude Voice systems to his people but even then as the years went on the communication would stop as Amar would entirely shut out from his followers.

Many years would pass of silence from their unseen leader Amar that the followers would keep building up the city. Amars vision was built where these followers could follow the ways of peace. There inside the red volcano the Amarians would advance in technology to make their lives simpler. Tinkers became as common as fisherman in the city who would spark something that no one was truly ready for. The countless inventions would bring forth a rise in effectivness an enlightenment among the Amarians they praised their leader who now they believed to be made of gold with prismarine eyes wearing purple silks woven from the string of massive spiders. The Amarian's would live in this city advancing themselves through their tech never unable to make most their designs due to the lack of materials. Amar was said to extend his protection over the city preventing hostile creature from arising from the shadows to protect his followers so they could strive through their enlightenment. Amarians would begin to look to the nature around them seeing that all things was theirs inside this place to better themselves. Masterful architects would rise strong supports that drove deep into the heart of the volcano where large pockets of lava would be found reimagined into large sources of Thermal Power. Amarians looked to the oceans to try to harness its massive power aswell but many attempts failing. The Amarians uphold their honor and beliefs that all things can be resolved through peaceful negotiations, trade, and technology.
:: The Light of the Gods::

The Amarian discovery of signs in the stars help then chart out directions for their people. These "Star Signs" constantly change during the night but keep their original forms throughout the nights passing. Each "Star Sign" symbols a God of the Amarian people an each "Star Sign" has a different meaning to those born under each sign which helps determine their destiny.

Redor, The Winged Serpent


The Life of Phlaalu
Phlaalu was born to his father Kuma, a road builder, and his mother Faera, an aspiring tinker. Phlaalu would grow up in the south eastern side of the city near the docks where the Amarians entered the volcano upon their arrival. Phlaalu would like all Amarian children learn the way of the seas where they would first work on the fishing ships to gain some strength for their "Life Jobs". Phlaalu would spend most his childhood and his teenager years working on the fishing ship as a trap diver. Phlaalu's job was to jump into the depths of the ocean and hook the traps up to the ships hook which he drug down with him then would swim back up and ride the trap up onto the deck of the ships to keep them balanced. Phlaalu would reach his 20's where by this time Phlaalu's parents had become known as masterworkers of their trade and it was now time for him to go out and find his "Life Job" where he would work the same jon for the rest of his life to advance himself in his trade to be a master of it. In the middle of spring the job markets would open up their long list to add people to their chosen life job. Phlaalu would take his time waiting till the very end of spring to finally chose his job by which time most the jobs had been taken up. Phlaalu decided be fitted into a new job as part of the City Labor Force. Their jobs was to work under the Masterworkers on any jobs they are hired to do their jobs varying in many building and maintaining the city.
The Plight of Phlaalu
Phlaalu one day went to the Tower of the Three Sisters to talk to the brewmaster at the tavern located near by. He came across a horse in the distance and desired it to help him with his the heavy loads he would have to carry. So he went back to the slowly growing town Fel'Bthalft grabbed a saddle along with the old rusty dirty golden armor he had stored away for a very long time. Phlaalu fought against the horse who would listen to his pleas to allow him to tame him. After some time the horse broke in giving way to Phlaalu's determination. Phlaalu would mount the dirty golden armor and saddle up upon the horse then would get up onto the horse to sit upon its back. Then suddenly a burst of runes sprang forth from the horse causing it to vanish from the sight of Phlaalu's eye. Phlaalu looked down seeing nothing but Black Smoke that would fade to White smoke changing back and forth where the horse once was rising from the ground. He was amazed, astounded, awestruck, and fearful. What had happened why was he now floating he yelled forth so all Lokans that was awake could hear pleaing for their help an attention. Many came all struck strange from the weird horse they saw that was Pure white with no visable features besides the white silhouette of the horses nature. This was pictures of Phlaalu at spawn upon his astranged horse.




Phlaalu would remain in the Tower of the Three Sisters for a time taking in all the attention from the Lokans who came. This came to an end when Phlaalu was reminded that he still had no idea what was going on so he decided he would return tired from the events to the slowly growing town of Fel'Bthalft to seek guidance from the minds there. But All was not well when he returned and His eyes saw nothing but a Glowing hue of red light surround him. Phlaalu's awe of the events that occured that day broke from its path to a path of fear at what he was not witnessing unable to understand the sights he saw.



::More to Come::
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Well now we have some solid evidence that Dwemer has hacks. So now the list is Ron, Madam_Duck, Pearl, and now Dwemer. Admins get on this asap.