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HoliganMustyy ban appeal

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New Member
Hello dear lokans, loka staffs.

I got banned from loka mc 7 months ago (02/26/23) i got banned because i tried to reach some duped items which is totally wrong. I know what i did was illegal. I didn't had so much money in loka mc before and when i heard that there was duped cores hidden somewhere and i got affected by how much money was there and did a mistake.I am really regretting my mistake and i can make sure that i am not going to break any rules of loka mc again. What i made damaged the server and the loka community and i am aware of that.That is why i am feeling so stupid about my mistake and never gonna do it again.

(I've been banned once before)
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Well-Known Member
Community Rep
7 months is a fair punishment for something like this, I would say +1 if he hasnt done anything bad since hes been banned
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