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Hornedbaron for Guardian

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Age: 17

Current rank: Sentry

Which rank you are applying for: Guardian

What you think is expected of this rank: Guardian is an extremely important rank on Loka. They are primarily a means of helping keep the server a nice and friendly place to be, by preventing the likes of X-rayers, spammers and outright rude people from being allowed to play. The privileges which come with this rank should be used accordingly and not to give specific players an advantage over others. This in turn, should make Guardians neutral in their stance on raiding.

Why you think you should become this rank: I have been a pretty active member of the community of Loka since around the second player generation and I always come back to the server if I ever leave for a while. Recently I've been active a whole bunch, with help from the latest implementation of territories and such. I also believe that I have remained fairly friendly with most players, maybe only having made enemies with people due to territory attacking. Aside from this, I am one of the players whom Crypt often asks for help with builds around spawn, new buildings for industries and details for PvP arenas & while this may not concern many of the people on the main server, It does show my willingness to help with the behind-the-scenes workings of many things which get implemented. I enforce the rules of the server where possible and try to help newer players find their footing. Not to mention that with the 'surge of new players' which people are predicting, having another EU Guardian will be most helpful.

When you started playing on the server: As I stated in my Sentry application, I don't have a specific date, however it was before the fall of Skylance on the original world, which maybe only a few of you will know about/remember. I also know I'm early on in the second player gen.

Time zone in relation to GMT: +0

How often do you play (hours a day/week): 1-2 hours per day, however this will be school work allowing as I'm in my second year of secondary/high school.

So, I'll leave it to you guys...
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