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Suggestion Horse Archers


Well-Known Member
I’ve recently been thinking of some new forms of revolutionary combat for Loka to start experimenting with. Most either being too lucrative or too unprofitable. However.. I then thought of the Mongolian horse archers, and that’s where we are at. What I am proposing is a small buff to damage done with a bow when on a sprinting horse. It would add a discernible horse combat feature to conquest fights and the extra buff would convince players the risk of loosing horse armor and/or their horse is worth it. Please consider what I am proposing as Loka seems to have had no change in combat over the years. Thanks for your time!



Well-Known Member
Being on a horse already gives you a damage buff because of the increase in velocity, however I have no idea how much of a difference this makes.


Well-Known Member
Being on a horse already gives you a damage buff because of the increase in velocity, however I have no idea how much of a difference this makes.
I assumed so however I tested this and it still isn't nearly enough to be worth bringing a horse.


Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe a higher initial increase on velocity, but overall I think airforce damage is enough so it's gonna come down to balancing those two
That why I propose only for shooting on a horse, as I have done airforce and can say it's quite effective for what it's worth.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely like to see this, however it needs to be balanced properly. Horses already give a pretty big advantage in conquest due to their speed compared to running players, and I think that this needs to not be a "run in, kill a few people, run out" type mechanic. Instead, it should be a "run in, do some damage, run out" mechanic to keep it balanced.