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Suggestion Hot air balloons


Well-Known Member
add functioning hot air balloons cause they match lokas theme and make it so if you try to sail the balloon into another town it pops or something. would be cool in conquest and as an elytra alternative (although would be significantly slower). 2-3 passengers max. also make it so they arent craftable and have to be bought from an npc or earned from the quest

edit: they should probably require gunpowder as fuel
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Well-Known Member
Community Rep
add functioning hot air balloons cause they match lokas theme and make it so if you try to sail the balloon into another town it pops or something. would be cool in conquest and as an elytra alternative (although would be significantly slower). 2-3 passengers max. also make it so they arent craftable and have to be bought from an npc or earned from the quest
personally I just fly pigs around its the same concept really