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How Long Have You Played Loka?


Well-Known Member
Sure, with /find you can see when a player joined Loka, but unless you know how much they've played, that doesn't mean a whole lot!

By doing ESCAPE > STATISTICS and looking at the 14th line, you can see your Time Played. This does include AFK time, sadly, but since redstone is limited and mob farms aren't allowed, I have a feeling most players don't AFK as much as they would on other servers.

So how long have you played Loka?


Nearly 25 days for me, having joined a bit over a year ago. Should I be happy or sad about that? Hm...


Well-Known Member
105 days! Pretty impressive for how long I've been playing :v



Well-Known Member
52 days. Mind you, that’s only since my last name change, on March 1, 2017. Before my first name change in 2015 I think i had around 60 days there too. I don’t remember how much time I had between 2015 and 2017


Well-Known Member
84.60 days for me, for anyone wondering what their hours would be on loka just multiply the the amount of days by 24, mine is about 2030 hours