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How to fix chat not having spaces


Well-Known Member
This post is basically a repost of this reddit thread, look at the top comment.
This will become less of an issue once pack creators apply this fix themselves, in the meantime, you can fix it yourself, just read the top comment.

Reddit Post

tldr its just a bug with outdated resource packs


Well-Known Member
Credit goes to user/HopefulSituation3491

I just did some debugging and it seems to be an issue with either the options file or the resourcepack folder. Try to delete your options file.

Edit: The issue is caused by texturepacks that were not made for the new version 1.19. What you will have to do is:

  1. Find the texturepack causing it
  2. Go into it, into assets, into minecraft, into font, into default.json and replace it with this: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bkpfuvolzcaaup5/default.json/file
  3. The file above is a default.json file from newer texturepacks, which has a space provider. You can also just add the space provider, but Ive found just replacing it easier.
  4. After applying this change, the pack should not cause the issue anymore.

For anyone intrested, here is the bug report: