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Suggestion Ideas for town existence rewards


Well-Known Member
Hello Loka community,

I already made a post about this on some else's forum post, but I decided to make my own, so that people can post their opinion on it.
I really like this idea, because it encourages town owners to keep their town alive.

-Town becomes 'x' months old: all town perks/buffs have a permanent 20% discount
-Town becomes 'x' months old: the town chest has now a 15/20 minute cool down.
-Town becomes 'x' months old: 'x' amount of shards gets added in the town balance.

The rewards that I came up with are just ideas, some might think they're too powerful, but it's about the idea
I think more town progression perks would be a lot better than things that just come over time, a reason to keep playing is better than a reason to just return randomly
Although I like this idea, I'm much more for town progression through leveling since I believe creating your own town is more fun and rewarding than simply buying a town that's a year old.
I'd say to get those buffs for players, they'd have to be in that town atleast 75% of the time, for example, 15-20 minute Town Chest cool down would let's say, 20 months, you'd have to be in the town for atleast 15 months to get that reward. If you leave the town, then come back, you start at zero.

This is assuming you weren't in the town when the buff is gained, if you were in it, and atleasy 75% time spent in town, you get that buff, even if you leave & come back.
Town existence is a pretty easy thing to keep going so I wouldn't say being rewarded for that is any good, A well maintained town can just collect their industries and that sorta acts as an existence perk. Town levelling perks would be cool however I think they could be too much as towns pop up and die so much, It would probably spawn too much free stuff in. (theres also the problem with just spawning free stuff in)
I like these ideas but I'd be more in support of this if it was more difficult to keep a town alive.
Uhhhhh foxy be careful what u wish for mr keeps two towns running xD.

But on a serious note, I'm not crazy about towns just being kept on life support for years (Hilo or Silverhand).