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Suggestion If there is less than a double-chest quantity in a void storage chest, allow access marker to be removed.


Well-Known Member
Just a minor quality-of-life improvement that may make Void Storage easier to use. I understand that in most cases, a much higher amount of items would be stored in a particular VS chest, however in situations where this isn't the case, I feel like this would be a helpful small change.


Well-Known Member
A cheaper void storage chest marker that only allowed one item/items in less quantity. Good middle ground


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I believe the suggestion is not for it to continue to act as a void storage chest, but instead, be a quicker way of emptying a void storage chest. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If this is the case seems like a decent suggestion to me.

I suppose the only downside is accidentally knocking off the access marker in chests with a single page.


Staff member
How often do people have access markers with less than a single or double chest of items? I don't think it would be used very often.


Well-Known Member
How often do people have access markers with less than a single or double chest of items? I don't think it would be used very often.
Yea alright mr rich kid

This is a good idea in seriousness though, sometimes you cram stuff into a void storage and then when you empty it you're left with a bunch of little bits and its really annoying to remove them all, it'd make it so much easier to sort/remove void storages with this