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Im quitting. Thanks for all of the awesome years.


Well-Known Member
Ill keep it short and quick.

I apologise to all the players whom ive hurt, or done wrong to.

But due to me being bored of minecraft itself and finding fun in administrating i tought i could just administrate.

But due to recent differences of opinions within the admin team, iv decided to leave loka for good.

Thanks everybody who made it so great. I hope you all will remember something good about me.

Good luck to you all. And Go Forth!


Well-Known Member
Dear Cerik Leader Grubul,
We are SoRRy
THaT the war Agasint TGF
hAS made You Want to QuIt
GoUd LuCk in LifE
No HaRd FeElings


Well-Known Member
you were a pretty chill guy. We never got along really for towns reasons but you seemed chill


Active Member
Well, Grub, It's been fun knowing you on loka, and i hope we can continue talking on discord.
You were a good friend.
- Xel