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No Plans to Implement Increase ELO Range to Queue in Ranked


Active Member
title is self explanatory, as of right now in neth 3 i can only queue diamond3-bedrocks which only includes 15 players, I have been trying to queue for 3 days and I have played 3 ranked games during this time.

I suggest that the range that you can queue be increased to account for this


Well-Known Member
I mean as the season goes on that number of 15 players is gonna go up. Expanding the range beyond what it already is would just harm the skill integrity, the only real solution is more people playing ranked.


Staff member
I mean as the season goes on that number of 15 players is gonna go up. Expanding the range beyond what it already is would just harm the skill integrity, the only real solution is more people playing ranked.
This. Also pretty much what doota said.