Phew. This is going to be fun. Have a lored item? Want to show it off? Add it to the Index of Lored Items. To keep this thread clean, I'd appreciate you pming me the details of your items. This is the template I'll use.
Lored by:
Current Owner/Location:
Item type:
So without further ado, lored items in alphabetical order!
Name: Arcanus Obivlio
Description: The blue, purple, and
black sigils seem to glow
brighter in times of the
wielder's need.
The power of these sigils are currently
Currently wielded by the
Young Wizard of Auru.
Lored by: _Desertdweller_ (Written by Wizardteepot)
For: Wizardteepot
Current Owner/Location: Wizardteepot
Item Type: Sword
Name: Arondite
Description: A claymore that most would take two hands to use however some are able to wield it proficiently with one hand. Hand collected Silverhand diamond and forged by the elves. When distressed Arondite will give the wielder great strength some say even through dimensions.
Lored by: Mr P
For: Steve5729
Current Owner/Location: Steve of Pavis.
Item type: Diamond sword.
Name: Caliburn
Honour X
Presented by the Lady of
the Lake to the true Ruler
of Camelot, this blade
represents Honour and
Valour, defending the
townsfolk of Camelot
from Evil.
May it serve you well,
Thanius, King of Camelot.
Lored by: Thanius
For: Thanius
Current Owner/Location: Thanius
Item type: Sword
Name: Iskaldolke
Description: A longsword of Computernite
forging, it glitters like
ice. The essence of the
mountains and wolves and
all that is connected to the
North can be felt within
this blade.
This is truly the weapon
of a Northerner.
Lored by: Jedoi
For: Jedoi
Current Owner/Location: Jedoi
Item Type: Sword
Name: Islingr
Description: Imbued in Feronin
The will of the Gods
Is for you to see the Light
- - - - Embrace it - - - -
- - - - Accept it - - - -
- - - - Follow it - - - -
You are freed of darkness
By Islingr, light-bringer
Lored by: Xovious
For: Xovious
Current Owner/Location: Xovious
Item Type: Sword
Name: Magerune
Description: Gifted by Xovious of
the Rune Council, to the
almighty Wizard.
All who come before this blade
face a powerful mystic
force. Wielded by the Rune
Master of Magic.
Lored by: Xovious
For: Wizardteepot
Current Owner/Location: Wizardteepot
Item Type: Sword
Name: Safety Pin
Description: "Jotun are filthy e-clickers"
Belongs to Noloite
of the Elysian Medic Corps
Lored by: Skrylfr
For: Noloite
Current Owner/Location: Noloite
Item Type: Sword
Name: The Shadknife
Description: The mysterious blade of the King
of Sickholm, this sword is said
to have ancient powers beyond
"We have to go north..."
Lored by: Iyoforeayo
For: Iyoforeayo
Current Owner/Location: The Leaders of Auru
Item Type: Sword
Name: Soulreaver
Description: Reforged in the creation of
Draekonfell, this sword's
strength lies not in mercy,
but in the corrupt souls
of it's enemies.
Wielded by Xovious, King
of Draekonfell.
Lored by: Xovious
For: Xovious
Current Owner/Location: Xovious
Item Type: Sword
Name: Sunstone Staff
||| This wand |||
||| is ablaze! |||
Embedded in the tip of this
is a Sunstone. It
shines brightly during the
day. Perhaps this stone is the
source of the flames this staff
can conjure.
Lored by: Jedoi
For: Wizardteepot
Current Owner/Location: Wizardteepot
Item Type: Bow
Name: Valkyrie's Thorn
Saving Grace V
This blade was forged in
the fiery pits of the
Nether. Given to the
Prince of Auru as he made
his voyage to Garama, this
blade is a memento to his open
arms and passion as a leader.
Lored by: Grubul (Written by Wizardteepot)
For: Thanius
Current Owner/Location: Thanius
Item type: Sword
Lored by:
Current Owner/Location:
Item type:
So without further ado, lored items in alphabetical order!
Name: Arcanus Obivlio
Description: The blue, purple, and
black sigils seem to glow
brighter in times of the
wielder's need.
The power of these sigils are currently
Currently wielded by the
Young Wizard of Auru.
Lored by: _Desertdweller_ (Written by Wizardteepot)
For: Wizardteepot
Current Owner/Location: Wizardteepot
Item Type: Sword
Name: Arondite
Description: A claymore that most would take two hands to use however some are able to wield it proficiently with one hand. Hand collected Silverhand diamond and forged by the elves. When distressed Arondite will give the wielder great strength some say even through dimensions.
Lored by: Mr P
For: Steve5729
Current Owner/Location: Steve of Pavis.
Item type: Diamond sword.
Name: Caliburn
Honour X
Presented by the Lady of
the Lake to the true Ruler
of Camelot, this blade
represents Honour and
Valour, defending the
townsfolk of Camelot
from Evil.
May it serve you well,
Thanius, King of Camelot.
Lored by: Thanius
For: Thanius
Current Owner/Location: Thanius
Item type: Sword
Name: Iskaldolke
Description: A longsword of Computernite
forging, it glitters like
ice. The essence of the
mountains and wolves and
all that is connected to the
North can be felt within
this blade.
This is truly the weapon
of a Northerner.
Lored by: Jedoi
For: Jedoi
Current Owner/Location: Jedoi
Item Type: Sword
Name: Islingr
Description: Imbued in Feronin
The will of the Gods
Is for you to see the Light
- - - - Embrace it - - - -
- - - - Accept it - - - -
- - - - Follow it - - - -
You are freed of darkness
By Islingr, light-bringer
Lored by: Xovious
For: Xovious
Current Owner/Location: Xovious
Item Type: Sword
Name: Magerune
Description: Gifted by Xovious of
the Rune Council, to the
almighty Wizard.
All who come before this blade
face a powerful mystic
force. Wielded by the Rune
Master of Magic.
Lored by: Xovious
For: Wizardteepot
Current Owner/Location: Wizardteepot
Item Type: Sword
Name: Safety Pin
Description: "Jotun are filthy e-clickers"
Belongs to Noloite
of the Elysian Medic Corps
Lored by: Skrylfr
For: Noloite
Current Owner/Location: Noloite
Item Type: Sword
Name: The Shadknife
Description: The mysterious blade of the King
of Sickholm, this sword is said
to have ancient powers beyond
"We have to go north..."
Lored by: Iyoforeayo
For: Iyoforeayo
Current Owner/Location: The Leaders of Auru
Item Type: Sword
Name: Soulreaver
Description: Reforged in the creation of
Draekonfell, this sword's
strength lies not in mercy,
but in the corrupt souls
of it's enemies.
Wielded by Xovious, King
of Draekonfell.
Lored by: Xovious
For: Xovious
Current Owner/Location: Xovious
Item Type: Sword
Name: Sunstone Staff
||| This wand |||
||| is ablaze! |||
Embedded in the tip of this
is a Sunstone. It
shines brightly during the
day. Perhaps this stone is the
source of the flames this staff
can conjure.
Lored by: Jedoi
For: Wizardteepot
Current Owner/Location: Wizardteepot
Item Type: Bow
Name: Valkyrie's Thorn
Saving Grace V
This blade was forged in
the fiery pits of the
Nether. Given to the
Prince of Auru as he made
his voyage to Garama, this
blade is a memento to his open
arms and passion as a leader.
Lored by: Grubul (Written by Wizardteepot)
For: Thanius
Current Owner/Location: Thanius
Item type: Sword
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