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intellc's loka unban appeal


New Member
Amount of time since loka ban: 18 months

Hello fellow lokans and staff of loka, I am here today to write my loka ban appeal. I've been banned off loka since August 2023 (about 18 months now) and over that time i had lots of time to think. I feel like this appeal I know what to properly say. This is my explanation on why I believe my loka ban should be at minimum, reduced. I want to formally apologize to everyone that I have made feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Reason of ban and how i affected others

I, intellc was banned for doxing a player who played loka. Doxing can be a very harmful action that can lead to dangerous decisions made by players. I understand the situation was EXTREMELY unacceptable and very concerning. I should have not acted in the way I did at that time. I truly regret my actions. I look at my friends play loka and it annoys me that I cant join them because of a unintelligent mistake.

My most sincere apology

Again as stated above I am very very sorry for what I did to anybody. I am hoping with this appeal a fresh start can be made towards my interactions with new people and people that I have upset in the past. I cant explain how sorry I am to the victim and to everybody else i made uncomfortable. Please accept my apology, I am not looking for the loka staff to straight up unban me but a temporary ban will be very appreciated. I have changed over this long amount of time and I hope you guys can understand.

Thank you,

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-1 I have been in intellcs vcs and he has been repeatedly been using certain words that start with N and end with R and some would consider RACIST I am BLACK and I DO NOT FIND THIS BEHAVIOUR EXCEPTABLE. The LokaMc Community SHOULD NOT allow THESE PEOPLE to be on the server.
+1 used to have beef with intellc on random servers, but i recently talked to him and hes definitely not the same person he was >1 year ago. free up intellc
+ 1, Intellc to me is someone who deserves the unban indefinetly. Intellc has proven to be changed and helpful to the community since his past mistakes.
+1 I stopped vcing with him for a while a couple months back but recently I started vcing with him and he's changed he deserves a second chance after a year and a half free intellc up
+1 over these last few months from vcing with him, clearly see a change and I truly believe he deserves another chance, he is the fine example of people who can change for the better