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Investigating Spigot 1.8


Staff member
Most of you constantly ask about 1.8. The reason it's been taking so long is that we're waiting on Sponge as the main server wrapper that we intend to run for 1.8 (for a variety of reasons, but the tl;dr: more future-proof, will be better and will possibly allow for even more "custom" loka).

However, given that we think we might actually be losing players to 1.8 (due to the fact that other major servers are 1.8 these days), I'm going to be investigating moving to Spigot 1.8 until such time as Sponge is out and stable. Theoretically, updating to Spigot

I'll keep this thread posted on any updates. It's possible that in order to favor getting to 1.8 sooner (which I think we would all like), we may end up disabling parts of Loka (Territories, for example) in order to do so and then phasing them back in as soon as we can. I'll keep you guys posted!


Staff member
Lols. I didn't write Chairs, so probably not. I did however write doors, so yes we'll keep those. Obviously the most important things we'll keep will be any Town functions and protections.


Staff member
That was far easier than I anticipated. We could be 1.8 extremely soon. As of this moment, I'm able to run Loka 1.8 on my local server with only Particle FX and Territory/Industry building pasting missing. Both should just take a little extra time to fix.

I'll discuss with the admins on a set date to go 1.8 since I know some people were wanting a good heads up on it.


Well-Known Member
Could you please give us 2-3 days in advance before updating? just as a last wake up call about having a chance to unlock villager trades.