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Itsredstonepro's ban appeal

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Active Member
Hello Lokans,

On 27/2/2022 I was banned for using Elytra+ and the same day perma-banned for ban evading.
It has been a good 8 months and 23 days that I was banned, haven't played minecraft for a time.

I have been thinking for a long time about my ban, I came to a conclusion that what I did was bad and i shouldn't have done it.
I shouldn't have gave myself an advantage over other players to travel quicker because it is unfair to others.
I won't be using any type of hacks nor will I evade on this server anymore and want to build up a town again like I did multiple times.

I want to return to Lokamc again because I always had fun when playing on this server.
Also this server has a lot of unique properties and lore you won't find really quickly among the variety of servers.

And that also concludes why I am still trying to get back on the server and didn't gave up yet.

At last, I want to apologize myself to all the staff that was involved with me and my ban.


For the ones that don't know what elytra+ is: You can control your speed on all axis and you don't need to consume rockets to take flight.


Well-Known Member
+1, 9 months is enough time and you seem to be remorseful and sincere for what you did in the past. Best of luck friend.


Active Member
+1 dont know what ely + is but maybe inf ely with no rockets doesnt seem like some outlandish crime 9 months is a very long time


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Due to the length of time since your ban we are willing to give you another chance and will be lifting the ban. However, we will be keeping a close eye on your conduct, so please familiarise yourself with our rules before returning.
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