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Jail Unban Appeal


Ign : Jail
Date Of Ban : 3/08/24

Hello Lokans, I am here to ask for forgiveness from you all and specificially Magpieman, Cryptite, and Bat3415 for bothering them after I was banned for Hate Speech. Shortly before, I had been unbanned for win-trading against Mxthi and then received a ban for participating in the actions of the alliance Sand Force, I understand that the making of this discord was against the servers rules. I should have understood that my actions of joining this alliance and taking the risk of the ban for other peoples actions was not worth it. I deeply regret joining and participating in what they did but I feel that if i'm going to be punished it should be for my own actions and not others as what happened with the Mxthi win trading situation where I failed to report something. I should have and it ended up punishing me as well. I mainly want to apologize for the way I reacted shortly after I was banned because at the time I thought it was wrong and that I should not have been punished for participating in the server but after realizing that Loka wants to keep integrity within the server and make it a peaceful community for those who play it that I was in the wrong. I hope you guys can come to forgive me as since I was punished for this. I have tried to change who I talk to and realized that it isnt worth being punished for other people's actions. I stopped talking to the members of the Sandforce group and pay more attention the the influence my friends have on me. I hope all of those who feel effected by the discord or felt like it went against them in any way can look to forgive me as well as with the staff who were harassed or disturbed by people who thought mine or many other people's bans were wrong. You guys were just trying to make a safer space for the newer community to join as well as current players to keep enjoying. Thank you for reading my ban appeal

- Jail
Ily All I miss you


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New Member
+1 I feel like he's been getting banned left right and center. Now, I understand how ppl who've made discords like that should be punished but he didn't even do nun!


Active Member
+1 my first experience with jail was extremely negative due to a misunderstanding but since then he has actually changed and i enjoy talking to him. He’s had massive improvements recently and has without a doubt changed for the better.