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JzLeonidas unban appeal

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New Member
IGN : JzLeonidas

Reason of Ban : Doxxing of a Loka player

Things I have done after my ban :

AI Appeal

Using an alt account. (Froiddy)

Date of my ban : 11/27/22

Date of my alt accounts ban : 06/05/23

Hello Loka community and Admins, I was banned on 11/27/22 for doxxing a Loka player at the time I felt like it was necessary to doxx a player that has tried to bully me thru my families pictures now we have sorted the things we had back then, I didnt felt like being under his pressure when he was bullying me. I felt like the thing I done was right and I felt the admins only took the side of wxsted so I also though making an alt account would also be necessary which was not, my alt account got banned at 06/05/23 and after that i didn't alt or doxx anyone and tried to be a better person I believe i have succeeded in my own mind and was a better person then I was before, then I felt like making an AI appeal wouldn't be caught and would be easier, which was also unethical to do i do accept every single thing I have done and I can assure u that I am very sorry of every single thing I have done to Loka community and the admins i accept that i have wasted the times of community members all im asking for is a second chance so i can prove that i am a better person than i was before and i can be accepted to the loka community again. And yes I do accept me doxxing him just because he made fun of me and my families pictures makes it as childish movement as he did.

Why should I be unbanned?
I'm not someone who plays Minecraft for hours and since the last time I doxed and got banned When I wasn't playing Minecraft, I tried to be a better person. And my wish is you to give me the second chance to play Loka again. I want to play together and have fun with my friends again I'm not the same person like when I was banned , yes I made mistakes , but Ive regret my past now and I am a friendly person now. I apologize and doxxing is very childish, I really regret doing this in the past, it is not nice to share people's information and threaten them. again and again for alting and doxxing someone thanks for reading.
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