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Suggestion Kalros and Lava


Well-Known Member
Okay, this is a really small thing, but it bugs me, lol.

The Ascalon and Garama Resource Isles have lava at the bottom, and that makes total sense with their respective biome structures. The RI at Kalros, however, literally has ice blocks next to the lava at the bottom. That just doesn't make sense, and ruins the icy cold feeling that the rest of Kalros maintains. I would therefore love to see the lava at this RI become water, so cold that it hurts you, just like lava.

An argument against this may be the appeal. Lava is totally uninviting to jump down into and expect a nice landing. Water, on the other hand, may cause a new player to jump right in, unaware that the water acts like lava. This is easy enough to work around through a text pop-up of some sort warning about the dangers of these waters.

I'm aware there's some technical things that would need to be decided on for this to work, but it's an interesting concept regardless, and would, in my opinion, improve the vibe of Kalros. Let me know what you think!


Staff member
My two main concerns would be:
  • Without lava lighting up large areas of the cave way more mobs are going to spawn.
  • With lava players can drink fire resistance potions or use a firestone. What would be the equivalent for the frigid water?


Well-Known Member

Its fine, if you add obsidian inbetween.