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Kalros Continental


Well-Known Member
Greetings, Kalrosians!

We of NerdNation are out to unite Kalros by melding the power of some of the strongest, best-known Towns out there into an alliance. Together, we want to form a force to keep new Towns in check and be able to be a large force for Balak and Rivina, should the alliance decide to engage in such warfare. In the past, giants have fought for control. We want to unite the best Towns of Kalros into one massive alliance, taking control of the continent's resources and working as a whole for the greater good.

Involved Towns would be able to be involved in large-scale Roleplay as it is planned for both my own channel and Towns as a whole. Each Town that joins will help to secure the resources of Kalros and share them among the alliance. Each Town will defend its allies.

Many Lokan alliances have whittled down into very few Towns with few active players. We want a massive group working for each other to boost each individual Town to greater heights.

Below, I will list the Towns NN is officially inviting to this proposed alliance. Other Kalrosian Towns not mentioned below may contact me if interested. Note that the specifics on leadership are yet to be decided; NN is not opposed to a larger Town leading.

Town Invitations
PAX - @nickrocky213
AURU - @Jedoi
THE PIRATE BAY - @Aggressive_Gibon
VINOVIA - @BoooiilSkilZZ
HILO - @Opyc
ARYTIS - Torkey

Kalros' fate is in your hands, leaders. Will you join us?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nerdie I love you bro but I gotta say that I doubt this will work. There are going to be way too many people arguing about who leads. Mega alliances like this suck for the server. I know it's Kalros and conquest is dead but if a new player joins with the possible intent of Getting cap if they see things like this they'll just give up before they even try because of how overwhelming it is. This is what ruined Garama back in the day when Malt tried to make TGF unite every town on Garama. Since then the continent has been considered the worst of the 3 because of how boring it's been. (Also it's a nightmare to build on but that's beside the point.) I honestly can't remember a major war over Garama since, just people taking cap from each other after current cap quits. Much like TRE this would end up creating a scenario where the only fights they fight are Off-Continent (Meaning Balak/Rivinia) and reinforcement fights. If all three continents just did this it would kill continental conquest. This wasn't as big a problem when continental conquest was the only main conquest system. Now, with Rivinia and Balak around I could see a scenario where doing this causes the other continents to do the same. After that New towns either join the mega alliances or get curb-stomped by them. The ladder chases new players away from the server and Loka becomes a server where you choose an existing side to join while never being able to create your own. K rant over have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Together, we want to form a force to keep new Towns in check

Auru will not be joining this alliance. It is not because of our recent incident, but rather because of the line quoted above. Auru has always prided itself on being welcoming to new players and towns, and we don't believe in being the ones to decide who gets to settle where or what they can do. However, we wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

-Jedoi Alduin-Talongon, High Queen of Auru
-Tee Alduin-Talongon, High King of Auru
-Thanius Ronshaud Alduin-Talongon, Prince of Auru
-Benged Pícaro, King of Auru


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a carbon copy of what Asmund tried to do when I first joined the server with my pals. The keeping new towns in check quickly becomes a join or die mentality that is toxic for the server and makes new people leave like Steve said. The leaders of Asmund (Auru, Arvik, and others) showed up to our town the day we founded Silverhand and told us they would raid us every day if we did not join them. Not really our style.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a carbon copy of what Asmund tried to do when I first joined the server with my pals. The keeping new towns in check quickly becomes a join or die mentality that is toxic for the server and makes new people leave like Steve said. The leaders of Asmund (Auru, Arvik, and others) showed up to our town the day we founded Silverhand and told us they would raid us every day if we did not join them. Not really our style.

That’s usually what happens when you settle on a tile adjacent to another town.


Well-Known Member
The role-play could be nice tho, don't understand why they have to be in the alliance for it


Well-Known Member
That’s usually what happens when you settle on a tile adjacent to another town.
I mean people can react to towns settling next to them however they like, telling new players that they have to join your alliance or they can not have fun on the server is scummy no matter where someone settles. Since I know this will be brought up I'll just address this while i'm at it, suggesting that the location of a town will decide or even have a major influence on how conquest will turn out for the month is stupid. It will always come down to who can actually win the fights. No one has lost capital based on location of an enemy town. The location can help expedite the process of cutting someone off, sure, but if they can win the attack on the cut offs and defend the attacks of the cut off town, the town or alliance they are cutting off did not stand a chance of winning the month to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Alright, here goes nothing.

You know I hear stealing peoples stuff is a great way to start alliances...
Totally valid point, the timing is really bad here, lol. I want to say again that NN has absolutely nothing against Auru. We were not targeting them; I was literally walking around random Towns looking for ways to get in, and happened across Auru. We mean no harm to Auru specifically.

That being said, I totally understand if joining an alliance with NN isn’t Auru’s top priority right now. We thought we’d at least extend an invite, as we really do like the Auru community.

Nerdie I love you bro but I gotta say that I doubt this will work. There are going to be way too many people arguing about who leads. Mega alliances like this suck for the server. I know it's Kalros and conquest is dead but if a new player joins with the possible intent of Getting cap if they see things like this they'll just give up before they even try because of how overwhelming it is. This is what ruined Garama back in the day when Malt tried to make TGF unite every town on Garama. Since then the continent has been considered the worst of the 3 because of how boring it's been. (Also it's a nightmare to build on but that's beside the point.) I honestly can't remember a major war over Garama since, just people taking cap from each other after current cap quits. Much like TRE this would end up creating a scenario where the only fights they fight are Off-Continent (Meaning Balak/Rivinia) and reinforcement fights. If all three continents just did this it would kill continental conquest. This wasn't as big a problem when continental conquest was the only main conquest system. Now, with Rivinia and Balak around I could see a scenario where doing this causes the other continents to do the same. After that New towns either join the mega alliances or get curb-stomped by them. The ladder chases new players away from the server and Loka becomes a server where you choose an existing side to join while never being able to create your own. K rant over have a nice day.

Thesis statement: Kalros is chill and NN is chill and I don’t see leadership being an issue.

Alright, but seriously, NN is the one starting this, but as stated above, we don’t necessarily intend to lead. We wouldn’t be against it, but we may not be the best option depending on which Towns join. If Silverhand were to join with Iblis, I would personally prefer them to lead, as they have more experience. The Town leaders in Kalros are all prey chill, at least from the ones we invited, and I think we could easily reach an agreement in that regard.

In terms of PvP, I don’t really agree there, and this touches on the point I’ll mention later, about that whole “keeping new Towns in check” statement. Conquest in Kalros is infrequent already, and I don’t really see this alliance changing that much. You stated that new players will be turned away from the server due to the impossibility of becoming cap over a major alliance, but I would argue that is already the case. If PAX, NN, and say, Arytis, were to try to overthrow Iblis, we’d fail. That’s how the game works. Three well-developed Towns couldn’t do it; a new player should have no short-term goals of being cap.

Auru will not be joining this alliance. It is not because of our recent incident, but rather because of the line quoted above. Auru has always prided itself on being welcoming to new players and towns, and we don't believe in being the ones to decide who gets to settle where or what they can do. However, we wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

-Jedoi Alduin-Talongon, High Queen of Auru
-Tee Alduin-Talongon, High King of Auru
-Thanius Ronshaud Alduin-Talongon, Prince of Auru
-Benged Pícaro, King of Auru
Here’s what I really want to hit on.

I should have used a better phrase than “keeping new Towns in check,” because that’s quite misleading. NN has never been, and never will be, PvP-oriented. We do NOT want to kill off or even discourage new Town creation. That is super harmful to Kalros and Loka as a whole. No, I’d love to see new Towns popping up. What I meant by keeping them “in check” was simply trying to keep them from becoming total powerhouses and taking over a ton of land (which is a regular part of Loka). New Towns that are doing very well and building up nicely may even be invited to the alliance, and other new Towns would certainly not be picked on.

Sounds like a carbon copy of what Asmund tried to do when I first joined the server with my pals. The keeping new towns in check quickly becomes a join or die mentality that is toxic for the server and makes new people leave like Steve said. The leaders of Asmund (Auru, Arvik, and others) showed up to our town the day we founded Silverhand and told us they would raid us every day if we did not join them. Not really our style.
is precisely what I want to AVOID.

Hope that clears some things up!


To kind of sum this up, our primary goals would be:

  1. “Togetherness” or comradery
  2. Loose resource control (not hell-bent on Conquest for it)
  3. Projects and RP

Note that Balak, Rivina, and obliterating small Towns is not on there, because those are not our goals.