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Implement in Future kill messages


Active Member
hi so since ranked duels don't give u anything let's add a new way of getting kill messages because having 90 people use "was slain by" looks kinda bad and it would definitely be a cool thing to grind all different kinds of kill messages instead of clearing shrines all day
These will be coming with treasure knives when we get around to implementing them. We have always prioritised non-cosmetic/non-monetisation updates over this as it doesn't feel right to spend dev time on this when there are other things on the server that need our time. However, it is slowly working its way up our list, so hopefully won't be a million miles away.
Better suggestion is to literally start the new ranked season. and don't give us that "no one will play it bla bla bla" because that's cap. Literally PvP has been peaking ever since the last season was ended. No one is going to join the ranked rn because we don't gain anything, elo frozen, and queue system sus and slow. Revamp and release por favor.
Once some more permanent questing happens some more kill messages are inevitable. Treasure knives should also suffice pretty nicely. I think the big thing is having a constant flow of these being added, as well as exclusive one offs as well.
Better suggestion is to literally start the new ranked season. and don't give us that "no one will play it bla bla bla" because that's cap. Literally PvP has been peaking ever since the last season was ended. No one is going to join the ranked rn because we don't gain anything, elo frozen, and queue system sus and slow. Revamp and release por favor.
I do really agree with lemon here. The ranked revamp was being talked about when I was LCR, and it's coming on a year since then. I don't quite understand the logic behind messing with conquest and other periodical server events when PvP games, ranked seasons, etc are all things that can run all day long, and bring a huge active player base to the server. There's a reason people log off Loka after a fights over, and it's because there's no more worthwhile fighting to be done. Creating the ranked system that crypt and mag have in mind would keep a bunch more people who would normally just go to VL, Draco, Vultex, etc on the server, and more invested in Loka.
I do really agree with lemon here. The ranked revamp was being talked about when I was LCR, and it's coming on a year since then. I don't quite understand the logic behind messing with conquest and other periodical server events when PvP games, ranked seasons, etc are all things that can run all day long, and bring a huge active player base to the server. There's a reason people log off Loka after a fights over, and it's because there's no more worthwhile fighting to be done. Creating the ranked system that crypt and mag have in mind would keep a bunch more people who would normally just go to VL, Draco, Vultex, etc on the server, and more invested in Loka.
The time constraint is the issue with the new ranked season from what we talked about during LCR meetings. There's a lot more valuable stuff than writing the new ranked system, however rebooting the old ranked system will suffice for now I think.
I do really agree with lemon here. The ranked revamp was being talked about when I was LCR, and it's coming on a year since then. I don't quite understand the logic behind messing with conquest and other periodical server events when PvP games, ranked seasons, etc are all things that can run all day long, and bring a huge active player base to the server. There's a reason people log off Loka after a fights over, and it's because there's no more worthwhile fighting to be done. Creating the ranked system that crypt and mag have in mind would keep a bunch more people who would normally just go to VL, Draco, Vultex, etc on the server, and more invested in Loka.

Ultimately it's because Loka can be much more than just Conquest and Ranked PvP. We want to bring different kinds of players to the server. While Ranked pvp would retain players for a bit, giving them something to do on Loka outside of Conquest, that something is still just more PvP. We aim to bring a lot of other types of players to the server who like building, PvE, exploration, etc.

It's a priority thing, which is why we felt it was important to at least bring back the ranked season(s), but don't have the time right now to dedicate a full reworking of the system to Loka.
Ultimately it's because Loka can be much more than just Conquest and Ranked PvP. We want to bring different kinds of players to the server. While Ranked pvp would retain players for a bit, giving them something to do on Loka outside of Conquest, that something is still just more PvP. We aim to bring a lot of other types of players to the server who like building, PvE, exploration, etc.

It's a priority thing, which is why we felt it was important to at least bring back the ranked season(s), but don't have the time right now to dedicate a full reworking of the system to Loka.
I appreciate this, and this is totally fair and understandable, I can see why you would want to aim to target more people, but at the very least I would hope some sort of priority for the players who are here now, and to try push for something such as a ranked revamp before a huge extensive revamp towards PvE and exploration, granted I can't say much about the quests and stuff as everyone does them so I can't complain much there.

I think today or atleast soon, me and some others are going to work on a few duels maps and message you or mag about it, and hopefully they can be implemented in time along with some of the other duels suggestions that would make ranked just that bit more attractive, and duels in general!
at the very least I would hope some sort of priority for the players who are here now

One could consider the entire development of Loka over the past several years being about the players who are here now. We've pushed advertising/sharding back month after month after month specifically to help with Loka's current issues and population.

Recall we're working on sharding so server tps can keep up with the greater numbers and bigger fights, camps/intro experience updates so we can get more new faces on Loka. I think everybody's down for some new blood on Loka that isn't brought here exclusively to join a pre-existing side.

It's also worth keeping in mind that development on quests, pve, and exploration does not necessarily mean I'm personally busy on those and not working on anything else. We have a development team for that reason.