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LancerSquid for Guardian

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Active Member
Age: 19
Current rank: Sentry
Which rank you are applying for: Guardian

What you think is expected of this rank: Guardian must understand all the rules of the server and actively help the players in need and completely solve their problems, and also have patience to communicate with players, and also let new players all the rules of the server for them to understand also pay attention to the behavior of all players and public chat, also patiently communicate with new players gameplay and rules of server so that they can have a deep understanding of Loka.

Why you think you should become this rank: i have been Sentry for 1 year, i have understood all rules of the server and have enough experience to deal with the account problems encountered by all Chinese players and some problems they have with VPN. i hope i can help more Asian players and deal with their affairs thoroughly, If players need help, i will help them solve all problems in time, i will also communicate patiently with players so that their problems can be resolved quickly. i hope they can experience good service, this is a new challenge for me, but i will still take it seriously.

Everyone is biased against Chinese players because they can use VPN to play Loka, some banned Chinese players will also seriously damage the rules of server. i will take this matter seriously and let this matter be completely resolved. let all Chinese players abide by all the rules of server. in the future, i will patiently communicate with Asian player and solve the problems encountered by Asians so that they can get a better experience.

When you started playing the server: March 22th, 2022

Time Zone: UTC +8

How often do you play: 4-6 hours Only play on vacations.


Active Member
+1 Lancersquid is the most mature person I recruited to Loka he is very helpful and he will deal with everything perfectly as a guardian


New Member
+1 He is more than experienced and intelligent and will be one of best Guardians. Also it would benefit both the Chinese community and our Loka community


Haven’t you been afk for like 7 months? No hate but iv never saw you online in the past months


+1 As Lancer said in his application, he understands the problems that Asian and Chinese gamers have so it would be good to have a Guardian from their perspective who can help them to enjoy the server or protect the server against rule breakers from that region. Lancer is also a seasoned staff member so I believe that he’s ready for the guardian role.
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