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Suggestion Laser


Well-Known Member
Hello Loka, I'm making this forums post about our lovely mod laser, which on rivina in my opinion, is still pretty busted. Rather than say "NERF LASER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I think laser should just be removed from rivina, I think no matter what you do, this mod will just be way too effective. I can't stay under the tgen for more than 20 seconds because of laser and it makes it very difficult to attack. I think most of the community does not enjoy laser as a whole on rivina and can agree that it should be removed. Thank you for taking your time to read this.


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
I've had a problem with it targeting me, then when I try to run, no matter how far I run it will keep shooting at me, but it can be resolved with relogging, but please fix though.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
This sounds more like it is not working as intended. It should have limited range and running away briefly should reset its damage and target, as should hiding behind a piece of terrain for 1 second. Shield Wall module also changes the laser damage into a heal.