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Leaving Loka... For now

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Well-Known Member
So I've recently suffered some IRL issues and I find that the toxicity of the Lokan community is only worsening my situation. Especially after I play on other servers where there aren't people that call me out for something every two seconds or call me easy every time I lose. I still will play but defiantly a lot less. Ray don't get your hopes up I'm not deleting R'lyeh. Loka is such a cool server and I don't understand why people are driven so hard to ruin it for everyone else. My Sentry application still stands (I don't need more crap for deleting it.) because I really do care for Loka and want it to be a good server. I request admins to remove all comments on this forum such as "You're only quitting because you're a stupid *** that can't handle being quickied in fights hahaha now we don't have to deal with you anymore." because that is the last thing I need.


Active Member
Although we've been enemies in-game since I joined, and we've had a lot of arguments, I still count you as a friend and I hope you count me as one. I wish you the best of luck irl and in-game if you decide to come back. Also, idk if you care about this, but I'll be praying for you.

Go Forth!
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