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Leaving Loka


Hello everyone,

Today, I'm leaving Loka.

Why am I leaving? : Because my don't want I play games anymore.

Where will go all my mending stuff? : I gave my mending stuff to 5 players: Aggressive_Gibon, Mrpisquallie, Iwasnotthere, _Adzy and Sparky__.

Why these players? : Because there was very very kind with me

Exemple :
Aggressive_Gibon : Lionsrock, The Pirate Bay and Tortuga was very nice! You gave me a lot of stuffs and make me happy.

Mrpisquallie : Silverhand was great. Also gave me a lot of stuffs. Very very kind. Good luck for Twitch.

Iwasnotthere : Firsthold is special. Because members are too nice for talking and are all welcoming new players. Why are they like that? That's because of you.

_Adzy : Was very funny to play with you on Hypixel and Fortnite. Sorry, I didn't give you the mending book.

Sparky__ : He's very very friendly. He gave to me a lot of stuffs when I beginned my town.

Thank you all for being kind with me on Loka. I don't think I'll come back. But, it was nice too meet you!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for playing super! Hope you return in the future it was great having you around :)